Camilo Serna

Colombian Campaign to Ban Landmines (CCCM)
Camilo Serna is an electronic engineer specialized in the management of social projects and in the defense of human rights. Magister in Defense of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law from the University of Göttingen, Germany and Santo Tomas, Colombia.
Camilo is the deputy national director of the Colombian Campaign to Ban Landmines, with experience in developing awareness, prevention, and education projects on the risk of antipersonnel mines, as well as programs for survivors of accidents caused by these devices, and support in the processes to engage non-state armed actors in the prohibition.
He is also a country researcher for the Monitor (for Colombia).
Camilo was a member of the civil society negotiating teams during the meetings for the preparation and approval of the Convention on Cluster Munitions in 2008, the discussion on Protocol VI of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons in 2011 and the current diplomatic discussions on autonomous weapons at the United Nations.
He sits in the Governance Board of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines and Cluster Munition Coalition, and the Steering Committee of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots. He is a founder member of the Network of Human Security for Latin America (Red de Seguridad Humana en Latinoamerica y el Caribe, SEHLAC).
Location: Bogotá, Colombia
Language: English and Spanish