11 August 2009

ICBL Researcher Killed in Chechnya

Zarema “Rayana” Sadulayeva Abdulievna, ICBL Colleague and Researcher, Killed in Chechnya

Zarema “Rayana” Sadulayeva Abdulievna, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines’ (ICBL) colleague and researcher in Chechnya was killed in Grozny on Tuesday 11 August.

Rayana and her husband, Alik Dzhabrailov, were abducted from the “Let’s Save the Generation” office on Monday 10 August and their bodies were found on Tuesday 11 August.

Rayana founded the NGO Let’s Save the Generation in 2001. The organization works to promote the rights of children and persons with disabilities through the provision of social, psychological, financial, and legal support, primarily to conflict-affected children. From 2001–2005, Let’s Save the Generation collected information on landmine and unexploded ordnance casualties and carried out a risk education program with UNICEF.

From 2006–2007 it was an implementing partner of UNDP’s risk education program. Rayana became involved with the ICBL in 2007 after meeting ICBL Executive Director Sylvie Brigot at an event in Paris, France. She participated in the Eighth Meeting of States Parties (8MSP) to the Mine Ban Treaty in November 2007 at the Dead Sea, Jordan. In 2008 and 2009, she contributed research on risk education and victim assistance to Landmine Monitor, the ICBL’s research and monitoring initiative. She also worked with others in the ICBL to promote the rights of mine survivors.

Rayana was a tireless advocate and her death is a huge loss to the mine action community.

Human rights advocates work at great risk in Chechnya. Less than one month ago Natalya Estemirova, head of the Chechen human rights group Memorial, was killed in similar circumstances.

The ICBL condemns the persecution of human rights defenders.