21 December 2011

Research opportunity: Join the Monitor's 2012 Research Network

Applications should be submitted to monitor@icblcmc.org by 12 January 2012.

Download the application form.

Position Title: Researcher
Location: Flexible
Reporting Relationships: Editorial Team
Contract Period: February-October 2012
Compensation: Range from $250-2,000 per country
Deadline for Applications: 12 January 2012 Areas of Research: 

Country/Region Ban Policy Mine Action Victim Assistance
Afghanistan ?   ?
Algeria     ?
Angola ? ? ?
Bosnia-Herzegovina   ?  
Cambodia     ?
CIS (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) ?    
Colombia ?   ?
Croatia   ?  
DRC ?   ?
Egypt     ?
Ethiopia     ?
Francophone Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal) ?    
India ?    
Korea ?    
Lao PDR     ?
Latin America (Mexico, Bolivia, Caribbean, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay) ?    
Libya     ?
MENA (Egypt, Algeria, Bahrain, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates) ?    
Montenegro   ?  
Nepal ?    
Pakistan ?   ?
Poland ?    
Senegal     ?
Serbia   ? ?
Sri Lanka ?   ?
Taiwan   ?  
Thailand   ? ?
Turkey ? ? ?
Vietnam     ?
Yemen     ?

Note: Applicants may apply to cover one or more countries.
Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor is the research and monitoring initiative of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC). It is thede facto monitoring regime for the Mine Ban Treaty and the Convention on Cluster Munitions. It assesses the international community’s response to the humanitarian problem caused by landmines, cluster munitions, and other explosive remnants of war (ERW), and reports on state implementation of and compliance with relevant international legal instruments.

Position Summary:

Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor is composed of a network of primarily in-country researchers, an Editorial Team, and is coordinated by an Editorial Board. Researchers contribute desk and/or field research for online Country Profiles.The Monitor is seeking researchers to contribute to its online Country Profiles (www.the-monitor.org/cp) in 2012. Researchers are sought to monitor the countries listed above. Applicants may indicate their preference to cover one or more thematic areas where we are looking for research support (cluster munition and landmine ban policy, mine action, and casualties and victim assistance).Researchers who have contributed to Monitor reports in the past, as well as researchers new to the initiative are encouraged to apply. All researchers must be from civil society. Applications from individuals working for any government entity will not be accepted.This position involves part-time research and writing from February-May/July, and researchers must be available through October to respond to requests for clarification or additional information during the editing process. All interested applicants should review our previous reports, available online at www.the-monitor.org. Researchers must conduct research and writing to the Monitor’s rigorous standards.

Major Responsibilities:

  • Identify and interview key information sources in government, international organizations, NGOs, mine/ERW survivors, media, and others;
  • Monitor and report on national and regional media coverage of the landmine, cluster munitions, and ERW issues;
  • Conduct web research on information in the public domain about landmines, cluster munitions, and ERW;
  • Conduct field research as necessary and as approved by the Editorial Board;
  • Conduct research interviews at Mine Ban Treaty and Convention on Cluster Munitions-related meetings and forums as necessary;
  • Respond promptly and thoroughly to requests for information from the Editorial Team;
  • Write research according to Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor’s research and writing style; and
  • Submit research for editing by deadlines to be determined by individual editors (deadlines ranging from May to July 2012).


  • Availability to conduct research and respond to requests for additional information from February to October 2012;
  • Demonstrated ability to conduct high quality desk and field research on peace, conflict, development or other humanitarian issues, and knowledge of disarmament issues is desirable;
  • Ability to contact and interview key actors including government officials, international organizations, NGOs, and mine/ERW survivors;
  • Ability to write clearly and concisely in English or the capacity to translate research materials and communications between English and another language;
  • Superb organizational skills and attention to detail;
  • Functions well under pressure, can handle numerous tasks simultaneously and excellent time management skills, including the ability to work to tight deadlines;
  • Regular (at least once per week) access to the Internet and email;
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel; and
  • Able to travel to relevant international fora and on research field missions as needed.

Application Procedure:

  • Submit the following documents to monitor@icblcmc.org (only electronic applications will be accepted):
  1. Completed application form
  2. Updated curriculum vitae
  3. One page professional writing sample
  • Applications must be received by 12 January 2012.
  • All applicants will be notified about the success of their application by 3 February 2012.
  • The Monitor is committed to employment equity and encourages applications from all qualified candidates.