Cluster Munition Ban Policy
Summary: State Party Chile ratified the convention on 16 December 2010. It hosted an international conference on the convention in Santiago in June 2010, and regional meetings on cluster munitions in 2009 and 2013. Chile has participated in all of the convention’s meetings and has served as the convention’s co-coordinator on victim assistance since September 2015. Chile was a lead sponsor on a UN resolution on the convention in December 2015. It has condemned new use of cluster munitions, including in South Sudan, Syria, and Ukraine.
Chile is a former producer and exporter of cluster munitions. In July 2013, Chile completed the destruction of a stockpile of 249 cluster munitions and 25,896 submunitions.
The Republic of Chile signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions on 3 December 2008, ratified on 16 December 2010, and the convention entered into force for the country on 1 June 2011.
Chile has reported existing legislation including its 2010 ratification law under national implementation measures for the convention. It is unclear if Chile considers these laws as sufficient to enforce implementation of the convention’s provisions or if it intends to undertake specific legislative measures. In 2012, Chile reported that the Ministry of National Defense was establishing a body “to centralize, coordinate and execute the operational and administrative tasks” required by the convention.[1]
Chile submitted its initial Article 7 transparency report for the Convention on Cluster Munitions in September 2012 and provided an annual updated report in September 2013.[2] As of 10 July 2016, Chile had not provided any more of the annual updates due by 30 April.
Chile participated in the Oslo Process that produced the Convention on Cluster Munitions, advocating for the most comprehensive provisions possible.[3]
Chile has engaged actively in the work of the convention since 2008, hosting an international conference on the convention in Santiago in June 2010 and regional conferences in September 2009 and December 2013.
Chile participated in the First Review Conference of the Convention on Cluster Munitions in Dubrovnik, Croatia in September 2015. In an address to the high-level segment of the meeting, Chile found that “there are not military, political, and above all, ethical reasons for any actor to use cluster munitions under any circumstance.”[4]
Chile has participated in all of the convention’s Meetings of States Parties as well as intersessional meetings in Geneva in 2011–2015. It hosted a regional workshop on cluster munitions in Santiago in December 2013 that 24 Latin American and Caribbean states attended, including non-signatories Argentina, Cuba, Saint Lucia, and the United States (US).[5]
Chile served as the convention’s co-coordinator on cooperation and assistance in 2013–2015. At the First Review Conference, Chile was named the convention’s co-coordinator on victim assistance together with Australia.
Chile was a lead sponsor on and voted in favor of a UN General Assembly (UNGA) resolution on the convention on 7 December 2015, which urges all states not party to the convention to join “as soon as possible.”[6] A total of 140 states voted in favor of the non-binding resolution, including many non-signatories.
Chile has condemned new use of cluster munitions on several occasions, including in Ukraine, South Sudan, and Syria. As a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, Chile has expressed concern at the use of cluster munitions in Ukraine.[7] In June 2015, Chile voted in favor of a Security Council resolution expressing concern at evidence of cluster munition use by the government of Sudan and reiterating a call for an investigation.[8] Chile voted in favor of a May 2014 resolution, which expressed concern at the use of cluster munitions in South Sudan and called on “all parties to refrain from similar such use in the future.”[9] Chile has voted in favor of UNGA resolutions condemning the use of cluster munitions in Syria, most recently in December 2015.[10]
Interpretive issues
During the Oslo Process, Chile did not favor including language on “interoperability” (joint military operations with states not party that may use cluster munitions) in the convention.[11] In 2012, a Ministry of National Defense official informed the Monitor that the convention’s Article 21 language does not prevent Chile from conducting military training exercises with states not party, but emphasized that Chile would require that states participating in exercises not use cluster munitions in the exercises (and would communicate this requirement via a written order sent to officials involved).[12]
Chile has yet to elaborate its views on other important issues relating to the interpretation and implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, such as the prohibition on transit, the prohibition on foreign stockpiling of cluster munitions, and the prohibition on investment in production of cluster munitions.
Chile is a State Party to the Mine Ban Treaty. It is also party to the Convention on Conventional Weapons.
Chile is not known to have used cluster munitions in a conflict situation. In 2011, the Ministry of National Defense informed the Monitor that Chile stopped using cluster munitions in training exercises in 2008.[13]
Production and transfer
During the Oslo Process in September 2007, Chile stated that it no longer produced cluster munitions and did not intend to produce the weapon in the future.[14] In the past, Industrias Cardeon SA and Los Conquistadores 1700 were reported to have produced at least eight types of air-dropped cluster bombs: CB-130 bomb, CB-250K bomb, CB-500 bomb, CB-500K bomb, CB-500K2 bomb, CB-770 bomb, WB-250F bomb, and WB-500F bomb.[15]
In the initial Article 7 report provided in 2012, Chile indicated that it was in the process of verifying information on measures taken to dismantle its cluster munition production facilities and stated that it could not provide a complete accounting of the “models manufactured, their total amount or destination of transfer.”[16] The updated report submitted in September 2013 provided no additional information on past production or transfer of cluster munitions.
However, in 2012 Chile’s Ministry of National Defense provided the Monitor with a detailed accounting of Chile’s past transfers of cluster munitions. One document shown to the Monitor details Chilean exports of cluster munitions in the period from 1991 to 2001 to the following five countries:[17]
- Brazil in 1999 and 2001 (various types);
- Colombia in 1994 (55 250kg cluster bombs, four air-dropped 250kg cluster bombs, and one fin stabilizer for a CB-250kg cluster bomb) and in 1997 (132 250kg cluster bombs);
- Turkey in 1996 (four CB-250kg cluster bombs);
- United Arab Emirates in 1998 (four “empty” [“vacías”] CB-500kg cluster bombs and two CB-500kg cluster bombs filled with lead shot); and
- US in 1991 (one 250kg cluster bomb and one 500kg cluster bomb).
In a May 2012 document provided to the Monitor, the director-general of National Mobilization, Brigadier General Roberto Ziegele Kerber, stated that there were “no other applications or new exports authorizations for these devices” after the year 2001.[18] This data accounts for cluster munitions exported from Chile in the period after 1980, but it does not provide any information on exports in period from 1980–1991.[19]
Colombia reported the destruction of its stockpile of 41 Chilean CB-250K bombs in March 2009.[20]
PM-1 combined-effect submunitions delivered by bombs produced in Chile have been found in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, and Sudan.[21] A number of CB-250 bombs were found in the arsenal of Iraq by UN weapons inspectors, who noted that Iraq had modified them to deliver chemical weapons in the submunitions.[22]
Stockpile destruction
In its initial Article 7 report provided in 2012, Chile declared a stockpile of 249 LARS-160 surface-launched rockets equipped with Mk-II cluster munition warheads containing 25,896 submunitions.[23]
Under Article 3 of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, Chile was required to declare and destroy all stockpiled cluster munitions under its jurisdiction and control no later than 1 June 2019.
Chile completed destruction of the stockpile in July 2013 and announced the completion two months later at the convention’s Fourth Meeting of States Parties. It offered to share its experience and provide technical assistance to countries requesting support for their stockpile destruction efforts in “the spirit of cooperation that guides the convention.”[24]
Chile has provided detailed information on the destruction of its stockpile that the Army’s Fabrica y Maestranza del Ejercito (FAMAE) carried out in Arica Parinacota in the north of the country between 17 June and 12 July 2013.[25] The stocks were destroyed by demilitarization, including dismantling various components and destroying the submunitions by controlled detonation. The Minister of Defense issued a decree certifying that the inventories of the Chilean Army no longer hold cluster munitions.[26]
Chile destroyed other stocks of cluster munitions in previous years. According to a Chilean Air Force document dated 23 June 2009, “the air force originally had 48 cluster munitions in stockpile in 2003 of which 42 cluster munitions were consumed for training purposes at sites in the north of Chile in 2007, two more cluster munitions were consumed in 2008, and the remaining four cluster munitions were consumed in 2009.”[27]
In 2012 and 2013, Chile declared the retention of 12 CBK-250 cluster munitions and 240 inert PM-1 submunitions for research and training purposes.[28] The Monitor does not regard this as the retention of live cluster munitions because the submunitions are inert and no longer functional.
[1] Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Report, Form A, September 2012. According to the updated report provided in September 2013, there has been no change in national implementation measures since the initial report.
[2] The initial report covers the period from June 2011 to June 2012, while the September 2013 update covers the period from August 2012 to August 2013, providing new information on stockpiling and retention.
[3] For details on Chile’s policy and practice regarding cluster munitions through early 2009, see Human Rights Watch and Landmine Action, Banning Cluster Munitions: Government Policy and Practice (Ottawa: Mines Action Canada, May 2009), pp. 56–58.
[4] Statement of Chile, Convention on Cluster Munitions First Review Conference, Dubrovnik, 8 September 2015.
[5] States attending the workshop adopted the “Santiago Declaration,” which calls for “joint action to ensure the protection of civilians through the prohibition and total eradication of cluster munitions.” Santiago Declaration and Elements of an Action Plan, presentation by M. Christian Guillermet, Deputy Permanent Representative, Mission Costa Rica to UNOG, Santiago, 13 December 2013.
[6] “Implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions,” UNGA Resolution 70/54, 7 December 2015.
[7] Provisional report of the 7287th meeting of the UN Security Council, S/PV.7287, 24 October 2014, p. 21.
[8] UN Security Council Resolution 2228 (2015) Renewing Mandate of Darfur Mission until 30 June 2016, 29 June 2015.
[9] UN Security Council, “Security Council, Adopting Resolution 2155 (2014), Extends Mandate of Mission In South Sudan, Bolstering Its Strength to Quell Surging Violence, SC11414,” 27 May 2014.
[10] “Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic,” UNGA Resolution 70/234, 23 December 2015. Chile voted in favor of a similar resolution on 15 May and 18 December 2013, and 18 December 2014.
[11] Katherine Harrison, “Report on the Wellington Conference on Cluster Munitions, 18–22 February 2008,” Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, March 2008, p. 12.
[12] Interview with Luis Doñas, Ministry of National Defense, Santiago, 20 April 2012.
[13] Interview with a representative of the Ministry of National Defense, 22 February 2011.
[14] Statement of Chile, Latin American Regional Conference on Cluster Munitions, San José, 4 September 2007. Notes by the CMC. Chile clarified that two companies used to produce cluster munitions, but no longer did so.
[15] Robert Hewson, ed., Jane’s Air-Launched Weapons, Issue 44 (Surrey, UK: Jane’s Information Group Limited, 2004), pp. 306–311.
[16] Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Report, Form E, September 2012.
[17] Monitor notes on a Chilean air force document signed by Chair of the Joint Chief of Staff of the Air Force, “Exports of Cluster Bombs authorized in the years 1991–2001,” dated 23 June 2009, taken during Monitor meeting with Juan Pablo Jara, Desk Officer, Ministry of National Defense, Santiago, 11 April 2012.
[18] Letter from Brig. Gen. Roberto Ziegele Kerber, Director-General of National Mobilization, Ministry of National Defense, 18 May 2012.
[19] Ibid.
[20] Email from the Colombian Campaign to Ban Landmines (Campaña Colombiana Contra Minas, CCCM), 17 March 2009.
[21] Rae McGrath, Cluster Bombs: The Military Effectiveness and Impact on Civilians of Cluster Munitions (London: Landmine Action, August 2000), p. 38. The “Iraq Ordnance Identification Guide” produced by the US military documents the presence of the PM-1 submunition in Iraq. Mine Action Information Center, James Madison University, “Iraq Ordnance Identification Guide,” 31 July 2006.
[22] UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission, “Sixteenth quarterly report on the activities of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission in accordance with paragraph 12 of Security Council resolution 1284 (1999) S/2004/160,” Annex 1, p. 10.
[23] Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Report, Forms B and C, September 2012.
[24] Statement of Chile, Convention on Cluster Munitions Fourth Meeting of States Parties, Lusaka, 11 September 2013.
[25] Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Report, Form B, September 2013.
[26] Statement of Chile, UNGA First Committee on Disarmament and International Security, New York, 30 October 2013.
[27] Monitor notes on a Chilean Air Force document signed by Chair of the Joint Chief of Staff of the Air Force, “Exports of Cluster Bombs authorized in the years 1991–2001,” dated 23 June 2009, taken during Monitor meeting with Juan Pablo Jara, Ministry of National Defense, Santiago, 11 April 2012.
[28] The reports list the locations where the munitions are stored. Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Reports, Form C, September 2012, and September 2013.
Mine Ban Policy
The Republic of Chile signed the Mine Ban Treaty on 3 December 1997 and ratified it on 10 September 2001, becoming a State Party on 1 March 2002. Chile has not adopted comprehensive national legislation, but it has stated on several occasions that legislation to implement the Mine Ban Treaty is being prepared. In May 2009, Chile stated that its existing laws sufficiently cover the various issues required for implementation, citing the Arms Control Act No. 17.798, which addresses all weapons and explosives, including landmines. Chile nonetheless reiterated its intent to adopt specific legislation for the Mine Ban Treaty. The draft legislation in preparation by various ministries would also serve to implement aspects of the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW) Amended Protocol II and Protocol V, as well as the conventions on the rights of persons with disabilities and on cluster munitions.[1]
Chile regularly attends meetings of the treaty, including the Third Review Conference in Maputo in June 2014, and more recently the Seventeenth Meeting of States Parties in Geneva in November 2018, where it provided statements on victim assistance, Article 5 mine clearance, and a general statement.[2]
Chile has served on the Committee on Cooperative Compliance (2015), the Committee on Article 5 Implementation (2017), and the Committee on Victim Assistance (2018), and served as President of the Fifteenth Meeting of States Parties in Santiago in November–December 2016.
Chile is party to the Convention on Conventional Weapons and its Amended Protocol II on landmines and Protocol V on explosive remnants of war. Chile is also party to the Convention on Cluster Munitions.
Production, transfer, stockpiling, and retention
Chile is a former producer, exporter, importer, and user of antipersonnel mines. Both the army’s Fabricaciones Militares (FAMAE) and a private company named Industrias Cardoen manufactured landmines.[3] Chile has reported producing at least six different types of antipersonnel mines: the MAPP 78-F2 and MAPT 78-F2 mines, both made by FAMAE in 1981; the MOD I (manufactured 1979), II (1980), IEC-11, and M-178 mines, all made by Cardoen. Chile also reported manufactured the M-19 antivehicle mine and the Claymore-type directional fragmentation mine, and Cardoen manufactured the U/I fragmentation mine, according to one source, but none are listed in the Article 7 reports.[4]
Chile has stated that production and export stopped in 1985.[5]
Chile finished destroying its stockpile of 300,039 antipersonnel mines in August 2003.[6] According to its most recent Article 7 report for calendar year 2018, Chile retains 1,192 mines for training its military in humanitarian disarmament.[7]
Chile used mines in the 1970s and 1980s along its borders with Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru.
[1] Statement of Chile, Standing Committee on the General Status and Operation of the Convention, Mine Ban Treaty, Geneva, 25 May 2009.
[2] Statement of Chile, Mine Ban Treaty Seventeenth Meeting of States Parties, Geneva, 27 November 2018; and statement of Chile, Mine Ban Treaty Seventeenth Meeting of States Parties, Geneva, 26 November 2018.
[3] Jane’s Mines and Mine Clearance, online update, 19 November 1999.
[4] United States Department of Defense, ORDATA online, accessed 27 May 2004.
[5] Response to LM Questionnaire by the Foreign Ministry of Chile, through its Ambassador to Uruguay, Amb. Augusto Bermudez Arancibia, 2 February 1999.
[6] Chile initially reported destruction of a stockpile of 299,219 antipersonnel mines. See Landmine Monitor Report 2004, pp. 300–302. However, Chile’s Article 7 reports submitted since 2005 each cited destruction of 300,039 mines from 4 December 1999 to 25 August 2003. See, for example, Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report, Form B, 30 April 2009.
[7] Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report, Form D, February 2019.
Jump to a specific section of the profile:
Treaty Status | Management & Coordination | Impact (contamination & casualties) | Addressing the Impact (land release, risk education, victim assistance)
Country summary
Landmines were laid in Chile during the Pinochet regime in the 1970s, along Chile’s borders with Argentina in the south, and with Bolivia and Peru in the north. The mined areas—which contained both antivehicle and antipersonnel mines—were generally difficult to access, and were mostly in unpopulated regions. Most mines were laid in the north, with some minefields located as high as 5,000 meters above sea level.[1] In March 2020, Chile announced the completion of its clearance obligations, with the last mines removed on 27 February 2020.[2]
As of the end of 2019, Chile reported almost 65km2 of cluster munition contaminated land in three air force ranges and an army base. The contamination is a result of the use of cluster munitions on military training ranges, where public access is limited. Until 2019, no survey or clearance of these areas had been reported. In July 2020, Chile submitted an interim extension request for one year, under Article 4 of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, until 1 June 2022. It was approved on 25 May 2021 by ‘‘silence procedure’’ at the extended Second Review Conference of the Convention on Cluster Munitions. In June 2021, Chile submitted its second interim Article 4 extension request for another year, to 1 June 2023, based on its previous request.[3]
Risk education in Chile is provided via a school program run by the Ministry of Education. Limited risk education outreach was also provided in relation to mined areas for tour operators.
Chile is responsible for survivors of landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW). No cluster munition victims have been reported by Chile—yet media reporting in 2021 identified two people injured by an unexploded submunition in 1995. In 2017, Chile adopted a law which provides for reparations, and assistance in rehabilitation and social and economic inclusion, to victims of mines and other ERW (Law No. 21.021).[4] The regulation for the application of the law was approved in 2018, and the reparation system was launched in 2019.[5] As of the end of 2020, not all survivors in Chile knew their rights or were aware of how to access the benefits provided under the law.
Treaty status overview
Mine Ban Treaty |
State Party (Entry into force: 1 March 2002) Completed Article 5 clearance obligations in February 2020 |
Convention on Cluster Munitions |
State Party (Entry into force: 1 June 2011) Article 4 clearance deadline: 1 June 2022 |
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) |
State Party (Ratification: 29 July 2008) |
Mine Ban Treaty Article 5 clearance deadline
Chile’s initial Mine Ban Treaty Article 5 clearance deadline was 1 March 2012; but in 2011, Chile submitted, and was granted, a request for an extension to 1 March 2020. Chile cited the extreme climate and challenging topographical conditions as barriers to completing clearance as planned.
In March 2020, Chile announced that it had completed clearance of all known mined areas within its territory on 27 February 2020, therefore meeting its Article 5 obligations.[6]
Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 4 clearance deadline
Under Article 4 of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, Chile is required to destroy all cluster munition remnants in areas under its jurisdiction or control as soon as possible, but not later than 1 June 2021. However, Chile has prioritized clearance of landmines, and had not conducted any clearance of cluster munition remnants as of the end of 2020.[7]
In January 2020, Chile submitted an Article 4 extension request for a period of five years, until 2026.[8] However, in July 2020, Chile submitted a revised request for a one-year interim extension until 1 June 2022. Chile planned to conduct technical survey during 2021 and then submit a follow-up extension request with a plan for clearance.[9] The request was granted through silence procedure in May 2021.
In June 2021, Chile submitted a second one-year extension request, without survey having been undertaken, citing a lack of resources in addition to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.[10]
Mine action management and coordination
Mine action management and coordination overview
Mine action commenced |
2002 |
National mine action management actors |
National Demining Commission (Comisión Nacional de Desminado, CNAD) |
Mine action legislation |
Decree 79, of 2 May 2002, created CNAD as an advisory body to the Chilean president |
Mine action strategic and operational plans |
National Plan for Humanitarian Demining 2016–2020 A basic workplan for cluster munition remnants clearance was included within the Article 4 extension requests in 2020 |
Mine action standards |
Joint Demining Manual for the Chilean Armed Forces, developed in 2014 |
The mine action program in Chile is managed by the National Demining Commission (Comisión Nacional de Desminado, CNAD), chaired by the Minister of Defense. The Executive Secretariat of the National Demining Commission (Secretaría Ejecutiva Comisión Nacional de Desminado, SECNAD) is its working unit. Its main functions are to advise the president of Chile, mobilize resources, coordinate demining with state agencies, and develop plans for implementing the Mine Ban Treaty. Decree 79, which created CNAD in 2002, establishes its mandate only in relation to antipersonnel mines. Chile proposed that a Defense Disarmament Commission would be formed as an inter-ministerial coordinator and an advisory body to the Ministry of National Defense, to coordinate clearance of cluster munition remnants.[11]
Strategies and policies
Chile had a National Plan for Humanitarian Demining 2016–2020, and an updated clearance plan for 2018–2020, which projected completion of mine clearance by 2020.[12] CNAD issues an annual National Directive on the Execution of Demining Activities from the Government of Chile, which contains a set of provisions and tasks to support the planning of demining activities.[13]
Chile stated that a workplan for the clearance of cluster munitions will be developed following the implementation of technical survey during 2021.[14]
Chile developed a joint demining manual for the Chilean Armed Forces in 2014, which includes procedures for destruction of ERW.[15] The International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) are applied in mine action operations in Chile.[16]
Information management
In 2017, Chile upgraded to Version 6 of the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA), after adopting the Mine Action Reporting System (MARS) application as a replacement IMSMA Mobile. MARS has equipped Chile with high-quality geographic information, to support decision-making around clearance.[17]
Risk education management and coordination
Risk education management and coordination overview
Government focal points |
Coordination mechanisms |
No formal mechanism, but risk education is coordinated by CNAD and the Ministry of Education |
SECNAD coordinates with the Education Mainstreaming Unit of the Ministry of Education in the implementation of risk education activities.[18]
Victim assistance management and coordination
Victim assistance management and coordination overview[19]
Government focal points |
CNAD, Ministry of National Defense |
Coordination mechanisms |
SECNAD coordinates provision of medical services for victims |
Laws and policies
In July 2017, Chile enacted Law No. 21.021, providing reparations and assistance in rehabilitation and social and economic inclusion to victims of mines/ERW.[20] The regulation for the application of the law was approved in September 2018.[21] It incorporates provisions addressing victims under three disarmament instruments: the Convention on Cluster Munitions, the Mine Ban Treaty, and Protocol V of the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW). Provisions for benefits such as cash compensation, medical assistance, and free-of-charge prosthetic and orthotic devices are also included in the law.[22] The law assigned the Ministry of National Defense as the body responsible for the registry of victims and beneficiaries of the law, through the Undersecretariat for the Armed Forces.[23]
Article 4 of Law No. 21.021 notes a number of exclusions to victims receiving benefits under the terms of the law, according to the circumstances within which the incident occurred. Benefits are excluded if the victim intentionally manipulated the mine or explosive item; intentionally entered the property where it was located, with prior knowledge about the possible existence of the item; or if the incident occurred during a crime or misdemeanor. Victims who were children at the time of the incident occurring, and Chilean Armed Forces or public order and security personnel acting in compliance with their functions, are exempt from these exclusions.
The Chilean Association of Landmine and Munition Victims (Grupo de Victimas de Minas y Municiones de Chile, GVMM) has worked to reach survivors, in order to explain their rights and the methods for accessing the benefits established by Law No. 21.021 .[24]
Law No. 20.422, of February 2010, on Equal Opportunities and Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, establishes standards in these areas.[25]
Law No. 21.015, of June 2017, on Labor Inclusion, aims to promote the effective labor inclusion of persons with disabilities in Chile, both in the public and private spheres.
Information management
SECNAD maintains a centralized database including information on people killed and injured by mines and other ERW in Chile. Data is collected on their needs and challenges and is disaggregated by age, gender, and type of disability.[26]
Contamination overview (as of December 2020)[27]
Landmine clearance completed in February 2020
Cluster munition remnants
64.61km² across four sites Extent of contamination: medium |
Other ERW contamination |
Extent of contamination: small |
Note: ERW=explosive remnants of war.
Landmine contamination
In March 2020, Chile announced completion of landmine clearance and therefore fulfillment of its Mine Ban Treaty Article 5 clearance obligations.[28]
Mines were laid in Chile during the period of the Pinochet regime in the 1970s on Chile’s borders with Argentina in the south, and with Bolivia and Peru in the north. The mined areas, which typically contained both antivehicle and antipersonnel mines, were difficult to access and mostly located in unpopulated regions. Most mines were laid in the north, with some minefields located as high as 5,000 meters above sea level.[29]
Cluster munition remnants contamination
Cluster munitions were used in military training activities and not in the context of armed conflict or combat operations. The areas thought to be contaminated with cluster munition remnants are on training ranges belonging to the Chilean Armed Forces, where access for unauthorized persons is prohibited.[30] The contamination affects three ranges belonging to the Chilean Air Force, which are presumed contaminated with CB-250K cluster bombs; and on one army base, which is presumed contaminated by MKII and LAR 160 munitions.[31]
Chile’s original estimate of almost 97km2 of cluster munition remnant contamination was reduced to 64.61km² following the conduct of non-technical survey in 2019. Chile has reported that due to the “usual procedures” of its military, it is likely that contamination is minimal.[32] The estimate of contamination is expected to be further reduced after technical survey, which Chile reported was delayed in 2020 due to a lack of allocated resources and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.[33]
As of February 2021, 216 mine/ERW victims, for all time, had been registered by CNAD in Chile. It was not reported how many of the total were injured or killed.[34] CNAD collects data on victims of mines and other ERW via SECNAD in collaboration with the Chilean Investigative Police (Policía de Investigaciones de Chile, PDI) and the national defense institutions.[35]
No mine/ERW casualties were reported in Chile from 2018–2020. Two deminers were injured in separate accidents in 2017.[36] In 2016, there were four civilian casualties as a result of incidents near the border with Peru; all of which were foreign nationals, from Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Peru. [37] The Monitor recorded a total of 43 casualties (six killed and 37 injured) in Chile between 1999 and December 2017.
Cluster munition casualties
Chile has reported that it has not had casualties from cluster munitions.[38] However, in 2021, it was reported in local media that two conscripted military personnel were injured in an explosion caused by a cluster munition remnant in June 1995.[39]
Mine action
Clearance operators
National |
Army Corps of Engineers Navy Peace and Demining Division Air Force Humanitarian Demining Division |
Land release overview[40]
Landmine clearance in 2020 |
0.6km² |
Landmines destroyed in 2020 |
12,526 antipersonnel mines; 10,170 antivehicle mines |
Cluster munition remnants clearance in 2020
None |
Progress |
Landmines |
Chile completed mine clearance in February 2020 |
Cluster munition remnants |
Non-technical survey reduced the contamination estimate in 2019; no technical survey nor clearance reported in 2020 |
Land release
In March 2020, Chile announced the completion of mine clearance, with the last mines removed on 27 February 2020. A total of 177,725 mines were cleared over 18 years of clearance work.[41] In the first two months of 2020, 2.69km² of land was released, including 0.60km² cleared and 2.09km² reduced, seeing the destruction of 12,526 antipersonnel mines and 10,170 antivehicle mines. The majority of mines were cleared across three areas in Arica and Parinacota.[42]
In 2019, Chile reported the release of less land than in January–February 2020. Of the 1.74km2 released in total in 2019, 0.55km² was through clearance, 0.35km² through reduction, and 0.84km² through cancellation. In 2019, a total of 4,093 antipersonnel mines and 1,187 antivehicle mines were cleared.
Cluster munition remnants
Cluster munition remnants contamination in Chile is limited to land that has been used for military training. Chile has claimed that the military usually conducts clearance of submunitions and ERW after their use.[43] Chile has not carried out clearance in cluster munition contaminated areas, and until 2019 had not conducted survey in the four areas contaminated with cluster munition remnants.
In July 2020, Chile submitted a one-year interim request to extend its Article 4 deadline to conduct technical survey, and to submit a follow-up extension request with a clearance plan. In June 2021, Chile submitted a second one-year request, without further survey having been undertaken, citing the same reasons as the previous request, in addition to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.[44]
In 2019, non-technical survey of contaminated areas reduced the original estimate of 96.88km² of contamination by 32.27km², leaving the remaining estimated contaminated area at 64.61km².[45] In 2021, Chile planned to conduct further technical survey.
Chile reported that the Demining and Destruction Training Center of the Military Engineers trained the Chilean Armed Forces in mine clearance, and would also conduct training for cluster munition remnants clearance. In 2019, 20 military personnel studied explosive ordnance disposal (EOD).[46]
Risk education
Operators and service providers
Risk education operators
Type of organization |
Name of organization |
Type of activity |
Government |
Executive Secretariat of the National Demining Commission (Secretaría Ejecutiva Comisión Nacional de Desminado, SECNAD) |
Coordination and support for risk education |
National |
Ministry of Education |
Mainstreaming of risk education into school and college safety programs |
Beneficiary numbers
No risk education beneficiary numbers were reported by Chile.
Risk education in Chile is conducted by SECNAD in partnership with the Ministry of Education.[47] This comprises activities in schools and universities near mined areas, as part of a safety program in schools and via a play, “Demining and the School” (“el desminado y la escuela”), implemented in October each year.[48] Risk education materials were also distributed to schools, with messages on awareness of mined areas, tampering with ordnance, and what to do if a mine/ERW is found.[49] In October 2019, a risk education campaign was conducted in the regions of Arica and Parinacota, the metropolitan region of Colina, the region of Magallanes, and the Chilean Antarctica.[50]
Tourist information brochures were distributed in Chile to indicate the location of mined areas and military shooting ranges. The National Tourism Service and police in towns close to contaminated areas were also informed of the presence of mined areas with warning signs.[51]
While cluster munition remnants contamination is reported to be on military ranges, where public access is prohibited, risk education campaigns have been conducted in schools in surrounding communities. In October 2019, risk education campaigns were conducted in Arica and Puerto Natales, though it was not reported whether they addressed the risk from cluster munition remnants contamination.[52] No risk education specific to cluster munition remnants was reported in 2020.
Chile’s 2020 Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 4 extension request included provision for a budget for risk education activities, in four locations, for the period 2021–2026.[53] According to its June 2021 follow-up extension request, the information in the 2020 request remained valid.
Target groups
The main target groups for risk education in Chile are schoolchildren, tour operators, and residents of communities near affected areas.
All minefields in Chile were reported as fenced and marked in line with the IMAS, using warning signs and barbed wire.[54] Signs were provided in Spanish, as well as in Aymara, English, German, or Quechua depending on the area.[55]
Cluster munition remnants contamination is located within military enclosures, with access to the public prohibited.[56] These contaminated areas are reported to be far from populated centers.[57]
Victim assistance
Victim assistance operators
Type of organization |
Name of organization |
Type of activity |
Government |
Executive Secretariat of the National Demining Commission (Secretaría Ejecutiva Comisión Nacional de Desminado, SECNAD) |
Medical assistance for mine/ERW victims |
National Disability Service (Servicio Nacional de Discapacidad, SENADIS) |
Healthcare and rehabilitation for persons with divinities |
National |
Chilean Association of Landmine and Munition Victims (Grupo de Víctimas de Minas y Municiones de Chile, GVMM) |
Advocacy, and peer-to-peer support for mine/ERW survivors and their families |
Note: ERW=explosive remnants of war.
Medical care and rehabilitation
SECNAD provided assistance to victims, and covered costs for accommodation, food, and transfer for victims travelling from other regions to the capital, Santiago, to receive medical examinations and treatment. SECNAD Social Service staff accompanied survivors to clinical centers, following-up with each case through home visits, telephone calls, and emails. SECNAD provided medical benefits to 517 mine/ERW victims in 2020, compared to 738 in 2019, and 868 in 2018.[58]
The system for reparations and assistance for victims of antipersonnel mines and other ERW, as set out in Law No. 21.021, was launched in January 2019.[59] The Division of Institutional Affairs of the Ministry of National Defense, the unit in charge of the reparations, reported that more than half of registered survivors had received benefits. However, not all potential beneficiaries had been contacted, and victims receiving support were those who had submitted an application.[60]
Survivors reported delays in the provision of healthcare services in Chile. This could be attributed to Chile having completed clearance of its mined and that the medical care previously managed by SECNAD would be managed by the reparations unit.[61]
Most persons with disabilities in Chile—including civilian mine/ERW survivors—are eligible for free healthcare through the National Health Fund, and for other social support via the Ministry of Planning. However, GVMM has reported that a number of civilian mine/ERW survivors are not receiving appropriate services. The Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Health jointly coordinate medical assistance to mine/ERW survivor beneficiaries of the National Health Fund.[62]
Many mine/ERW survivors were reported to be living in extremely difficult conditions. Some had not had their prosthesis replaced for more than a decade. There was no formal mechanism to ensure that the National Disability Service (Servicio Nacional de Discapacidad, SENADIS) assists mine or ERW survivors among its beneficiaries. SENADIS operates a community-based rehabilitation center support program. However, rehabilitation centers in Chile had insufficient capacity to meet the needs of all persons with disabilities, including mine/ERW survivors.[63]
In October 2020, SENADIS called for technical proposals from relevant institutions to strengthen the community-based rehabilitation network in Chile. Public and private health networks, including community-based rehabilitation centers and mental health clinics, were invited to participate.[64]
[1] Chile Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2009), Form I. See, Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Database.
[2] Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC) press release, “Chile ends mine clearance operations: The Americas a step closer to becoming a mine-free region,” 3 March 2020.
[3] Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions Second Article 4 deadline Extension Request, 22 June 2021.
[4] Statement of Chile, Mine Ban Treaty intersessional meetings, held virtually, 30 June–2 July 2020, p. 1.
[5] Diario Uchile, “Gobierno inicia sistema de reparación a víctimas de minas antipersonales” (“Government initiates reparation system for victims of antipersonnel mines”), 17 January 2019; and Statement of Chile, Mine Ban Treaty intersessional meetings, held virtually, 30 June–2 July 2020, Section A, p. 1.
[6] APMBC press release, “Chile ends mine clearance operations: The Americas a step closer to becoming a mine-free region,” 3 March 2020.
[7] Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions First Article 4 deadline Extension Request, January 2020, p. 8.
[8] Ibid. p. 5.
[9] Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions First Article 4 deadline Extension Request (revised), July 2020, pp. 5 and 7.
[10] Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions Second Article 4 deadline Extension Request, 22 June 2021.
[11] Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions First Article 4 deadline Extension Request (revised), July 2020, pp. 5 and 20.
[12] Chile Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2017), Form F. See, Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Database.
[13] Email from Col. Andres Caceres Cuadra, Executive Secretary, CNAD, 12 July 2018.
[14] Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions First Article 4 deadline Extension Request (revised), July 2020, p. 18.
[15] See, Manual No. MDO-90402; and Chile Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2015), Form F, para. 2.1. See, Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Database.
[16] Chile Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2019), Form F, p. 16. See, Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Database.
[17] Email from Col. Andres Caceres Cuadra, Executive Secretary, CNAD, 12 July 2018.
[18] Chile Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2019), Section J, p. 23. See, Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Database.
[19] Ibid.; and Ministry of National Defense, “Ministerio de Defensa realiza seminario sobre Reparación a víctimas de minas antipersonales” (“Ministry of Defense holds a seminar on Reparation to victims of antipersonnel mines”), 26 August 2019.
[20] Statement of Chile, Mine Ban Treaty intersessional meetings, held virtually, 30 June–2 July 2020, Section A, p. 1
[21] Ibid.
[22] Email from Sergio Aranibar Araya, National Coordinator, GVMM, 26 July 2017; and Mine Ban Treaty Intersessional Standing Committee Chile Report, 2020, Section A, p.1.
[23] Ministry of National Defense, ‘‘Presidente Piñera da inicio a Sistema de Reparación y Asistencia a Víctimas de Minas Antipersonales’’ (“President Piñera starts the System of Reparation and Assistance to Victims of Antipersonnel Mines”), 18 January 2019; and Undersecretariat for the Armed Forces, “Social Security Issues: Reparation Law No. 21.021,” undated.
[24] Humanity & Inclusion (HI), “Buenas prácticas de asistencia a víctimas implementadas por Asociaciones de Sobrevivientes de Minas/REG y otras Personas con Discapacidad en América Latina,” (“Good practices in victim assistance implemented by associations or survivors or mines/ERW and other people with disabilities in Latin America”), September 2019.
[25] Statement of Chile, Mine Ban Treaty intersessional meetings, held virtually, 30 June–2 July 2020, Section A, p. 1.
[26] Ibid., p. 4.
[27] Chile Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2019), Form F, p. 19. See, Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Database.
[28] APMBC press release, “Chile ends mine clearance operations: The Americas a step closer to becoming a mine-free region,” 3 March 2020.
[29] Chile Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2009), Form I. See, Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Database.
[30] Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2019) Form F, p. 4. See, Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Database.
[31] Ibid.
[32] Ibid.
[33] Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions Second Article 4 deadline Extension Request, 22 June 2021.
[34] CNAD, “Operaciones de Desminado en Chile” (“Demining Operations in Chile”), presentation, slide 20, February 2021.
[35] Ibid.
[36] ICBL-CMC, “Country Profile: Chile: Mine Action,” updated 5 November 2018.
[37] “Un hombre murió trás pisar una mina cuando cruzaba de forma ilegal a Chile” (“A man died after stepping on a landmine while crossing the border illegally to Chile”), Soy Chile, 8 February 2016; “Dominicano gravemente herido al pisar mina en la frontera Chile-Perú” (“Dominican seriously injured from stepping on a landmine in Chile-Peru border”), 24 Horas Chile, 22 May 2016; “Dos peruanos heridos tras explosión de mina en frontera de Perú y Chile” (“Two Peruvians injured after mine explosion at border of Peru and Chile”), RPP Noticias, 5 September 2016; and “Ciudadano colombiano resultó herido por una mina antipersonal en la frontera de Chile y Perú” (‘‘Colombian citizen wounded by antipersonnel mine on the border of Chile and Peru’’), La Tercera, 25 January 2015.
[38] Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2020), Form G. See, Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Database.
[39] “Les explotó una bomba: Ex soldados buscan reparación por parte de la Fuerza Aérea” (“A bomb explodes: Former soldiers seek reparation from the Air Force”), CNN Chile, 6 May 2021.
[40] Chile Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2019), Form F, pp. 15–17. See, Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Database.
[41] Ibid., p. 19.
[42] Ibid.
[43] Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2017), Form F. See, Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Database.
[44] Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions Second Article 4 deadline Extension Request, 22 June 2021.
[45] Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2019), Form F, p. 6. See, Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Database.
[46] Ibid., p. 7.
[47] Chile Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2015), Form C. See, Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Database; and Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2019), Form F, p. 4. See, Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Database.
[48] Statement of Chile, Mine Ban Treaty intersessional meetings, held virtually, 30 June–2 July 2020, Section C, p. 11.
[49] Ibid., p. 12.
[50] Chile Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2019), Form J. See, Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Database.
[51] Ibid., Form I.
[52] Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2019), Form I. See, Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Database.
[53] Ibid., p. 11.
[54] Chile Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2019), Form I. See, Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Database
[55] Ibid., p. 6.
[56] Chile Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2019), Form F. See, Convention on Cluster Munitions Article 7 Database.
[57] Ibid., Form G.
[58] CNAD, “Operaciones de Desminado en Chile” (“Demining Operations in Chile”), presentation, slide 20, February 2021.
[59] Ministry of National Defense, “Presidente Piñera da inicio a Sistema de Reparación y Asistencia a Víctimas de Minas Antipersonales” (‘‘President Piñera starts the system for reparations and assistance to victims of antipersonnel mines’’), 18 January 2019.
[60] Email from Sergio Aranibar Araya, National Coordinator, GVMM, 25 July 2020.
[61] Ibid.
[62] Ibid.
[63] Ibid.
[64] SENADIS, “Programa Fortalecimiento a la Red de Rehabilitación con Base Comunitaria” (“Strengthening Program for the Community Based Rehabilitation Network”), undated.
Support for Mine Action
In 2016, the government of the Republic of Chile provided CLP4.1 billion (US$5.8 million) to the National Demining Commission (Comisión Nacional de Desminado, CNAD).[1]
Chile is one of the few states that completely fund their own mine action program. Chile has not received international support since 2007.
Since 2011, the government of Chile has provided more than $25 million toward its mine clearance operations. In its Article 5 deadline extension request submitted in 2011, Chile estimated it would provide approximately $60 million through 2020 in order to complete the clearance of all known mined areas.[2]
Summary of national contributions: 2012–2016[3]
Year |
Amount (US$) |
% change from previous year |
2016 |
5,776,736 |
+32 |
2015 |
4,382,598 |
-10 |
2014 |
4,877,271 |
-11 |
2013 |
5,494,113 |
4 |
2012 |
5,276,864 |
1 |
Total |
25,807,582 |
[1] Ministry of Defense, Budget Law 2016. Average exchange rate for 2016: US$1=CLP708.144,, Historical Exchange Rates.
[2] Mine Ban Treaty Article 5 deadline Extension Request, 29 March 2011.
[3] See previous Monitor reports.