Congo, Democratic Republic of


Last updated: 16 November 2021

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Treaty Status | Management & Coordination | Impact (contamination & casualties) | Addressing the Impact (land release, risk education, victim assistance)

Country Summary

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is contaminated with antipersonnel landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW), as a result of armed conflict involving neighboring countries, militias, and non-state armed groups (NSAGs) since the late 1990s.[1] In 2011, the DRC reported that mine/ERW contamination existed across the country, although ERW contamination was a more extensive problem than mine contamination. Cluster munition remnants contamination has also been discovered in the DRC, but these areas have not yet been surveyed. In 2018, a resurgence of armed conflict resulted in new ERW contamination, particularly in eastern and central regions.

In 2011, the DRC requested a 26-month extension to its Mine Ban Treaty Article 5 clearance deadline to understand the extent of remaining contamination, and in 2014 requested a further six-year extension to 1 January 2021. However, the DRC did not meet this deadline and submitted a third extension request in September 2020, for an additional 18 months. This was approved at the Mine Ban Treaty Eighteenth Meeting of States Parties, which was held virtually in November 2020.

Risk education in the DRC is carried out by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community volunteers, who conduct risk education sessions, mark hazardous areas, and convey alerts to the national authorities.

The DRC is responsible for a large number of mine/ERW victims, and reported 1,786 survivors as of the end of 2020.[2] Despite existing measures benefiting mine/ERW survivors—such as free access to medical care and prostheses, and tax exemptions for companies which employ a mine survivor—most survivors are not aware of these rights. Operators reported that funding for victim assistance was scarce.[3]

Treaty Status

Treaty status overview[4]

Mine Ban Treaty

State Party (Entry into force: 1 November 2002)

Article 5 clearance deadline: 1 July 2022 (3rd request)

Fourth extension request submitted in July 2021

Convention on Cluster Munitions


Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

State Party (Ratification: 30 September 2015)


Mine Ban Treaty Article 5 clearance deadline

The DRC’s initial Mine Ban Treaty Article 5 clearance deadline was 1 November 2012, but a 26-month extension was requested to conduct national survey to better understand the extent of the remaining contamination, enabling the DRC to submit a follow-up extension request in 2014.[5]

The DRC did not meet its extended Article 5 deadline of January 2021, and submitted a third extension request in September 2020, which was approved, setting a new deadline of 1 July 2022.[6] The DRC has reported that it is on track to meet this deadline, provided that sufficient funding is available and security and health conditions improve.[7] This projection is based on a budget of US$3 million and a collaboration between three mine clearance operators and the Armed Forces of the DRC (Forces armées de la république démocratique du Congo, FARDC).[8] In February 2020, DanChurchAid (DCA) took responsibility for clearance of three quarters of the remaining contaminated areas.[9]

In July 2021, the DRC submitted a fourth extension request for a period of 3.5 years until 31 December 2025, to clear the remaining 33 areas of 0.12km².[10] This extension request is largely a repeat of the 2020 extension request, indicating little progress has been made.

Management and Coordination

Mine action

Mine action management and coordination overview[11]

National mine action management actors

Congolese Mine Action Center (Centre Congolais de Lutte Antimines, CCLAM)

UN agencies

United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)

Mine action legislation

Law 11/007 of 9 July 2011 governs the national mine action program

Mine action strategic and operational plans

The National Mine Action Strategic Plan 2018–2019 has now expired. A new strategy was in development as of February 2021

Mine action standards

24 National Mine Action Standards; regularly updated in line with International Mine Action Standards (IMAS)


The Congolese Mine Action Center (Centre Congolais de Lutte Antimines, CCLAM) was formed in 2012, with support from the United Nations Mine Action Coordination Center (UNMACC) and the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS). CCLAM took on responsibility from UNMAS for coordination of the mine action program in the DRC in 2016; though UNMAS continues to provide guidance and support.

Strategies and policies

The DRC’s National Mine Action Strategy for 2018–2019, developed with support from the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), UNMAS, and the Government of Japan, has expired. The DRC reported in August 2020, and again in February 2021, that it was in the process of developing a new national mine action strategy.[12]

Priorities were established in the expired National Mine Action Strategy, and CCLAM issues mine action tasks according to these priorities.[13]

Mine action is integrated into the security governance section of the DRC’s National Development Plan.[14]

Information management

CCLAM assumed responsibility from UNMAS for information management in January 2016. The alerts received from mine action operators and local communities are recorded by CCLAM in the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) database.[15]

Gender and diversity

There is a Gender Unit within CCLAM’s advocacy department. It aims to ensure the mobilization and inclusion of women in mine action, to ensure the participation of both women and men in the implementation of all five pillars of mine action, and to promote the inclusion of women in both administrative and operational activities.[16]

Risk education management and coordination

Risk education management and coordination overview[17]

Government focal points


Coordination mechanisms

The National Risk Education Program provides accreditations, delivers task orders, and conducts quality control

Risk education strategy

Risk education was included within the expired National Mine Action Strategy for 2018–2019

Risk education standards

Included in the National Mine Action Standards


The National Risk Education Program, led by the head of CCLAM’s risk education department, meets on a quarterly basis.[18]


A National Risk Education Strategy was included within the National Mine Action Strategy 2018–2019, which has expired.[19]

Victim assistance management and coordination

Victim assistance management and coordination overview[20]

Government focal points

Ministry of Social Affairs

Ministry of Humanitarian Action and National Solidarity

Coordination mechanisms

Mine/ERW Victim Assistance Coordination Group; re-established in January 2018 under CCLAM

Coordination regularity and outcomes

No coordination meeting took place in 2020 due to restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic



Disability sector integration


A Ministry for Persons with Disabilities and Other Vulnerable Persons was established in August 2019

Survivor inclusion and participation


Note: ERW=explosive remnants of war; N/R=not reported.

*The National Mine Action Strategic Plan 2018–2019 referred to victim assistance in its first strategic objective. The plan has expired.

Laws and policies

The constitution of the DRC prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities and provides specific protections. However, the government did not enforce provisions effectively, and persons with disabilities often found it difficult to obtain employment, education, or government services. Laws do not mandate access to buildings or government services for persons with disabilities, and persons with disabilities suffer social stigmatization.[21] The Ministry of Social Affairs, responsible for persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons, was established in August 2019.

The DRC joined the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in September 2015. However, the DRC has not adopted national laws to implement its provisions. A proposal for new legislation to protect persons with disabilities in the DRC, and promote their rights, was drafted in 2012 with the involvement of NGOs, but has not yet been adopted.[22] In 2019, a bill implementing the CRPD was submitted to parliament for adoption.[23]

In June 2016, the Ministry of Social Affairs adopted a National Strategic Plan for the Promotion and Protection of Persons with Disabilities.[24] The plan expired in 2020.



Contamination overview[25]


0.12km² (0.09km² CHA; 0.03km² SHA)

Extent of contamination: small

Cluster munition remnants


Other ERW contamination

0.06km² CHA

Extent of contamination: small

Note: CHA=confirmed hazardous area; ERW=explosive remnants of war; and SHA=suspected hazardous area; ERW=explosive remnants of war.

Landmine contamination

The DRC is contaminated by antipersonnel mines and ERW as a result of armed conflict involving neighboring states, militias, and NSAGs, which has worsened since the late 1990s.[26]

Mine contamination limits movement of populations and access to water, food, shelter, and health services. Internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees are particularly vulnerable to the threat posed by mines/ERW.[27]

Remaining mine contamination in the DRC is low, but primarily affects the provinces of Ituri and North-Kivu, which are difficult to access due to the presence of NSAGs and the Ebola epidemic. The DRC also reported that some contaminated areas in North-Ubangi, Tanganyika, and Tshuapa provinces were difficult to access, and therefore will require more time and resources to clear.[28]

In addition, the Aru territory in Ituri province, and the Dungu territory in Haut-Uele province, are still to be surveyed.[29] These two territories were not surveyed as part of the national survey in 2013 due to security concerns.[30]

Improvised mine contamination was suspected in the provinces of North-Kivu and Ituri.[31] Surveys could not be conducted due to ongoing security concerns, and the extent of the contamination there is unknown.[32] Various types of improvised landmines have been reported in the DRC, with some devices described as ‘‘pressure-release’’ mines after survivors’ testimonies indicated some devices were activated by the contact or weight of a person.[33]

Cluster munition remnants contamination

The expired National Mine Action Strategic Plan 2018–2019 stated that in addition to mines/ERW, “some areas contaminated by submunitions have also been reported but the areas affected remain negligible.”[34]

In August 2020, the DRC reported that several areas contained cluster munition remnants, although these areas had not been surveyed and their size was not yet determined. Cluster munition remnants contamination has been identified in at least five provinces within the DRC: Ituri, Maniema, South-Kivu, Tanganyika, and Tshuapa.[35]

ERW contamination

The DRC is affected by ERW due to years of conflict involving neighboring states, militias, and NSAGs. These conflicts have also resulted in a large quantity of abandoned explosive ordnance.[36] ERW contamination severely limits access to agricultural land, hunting and fishing areas, water collection points, and roads.[37]

In 2020, explosive ordnance continued to pose a significant risk to civilians in the DRC, as armed conflict intensified in the east. Known ERW contamination covered a total area of 0.06km². ERW contamination was reported at firing ranges in Mbandaka, Kisangani, and Kitona.[38] A small area of ERW contamination, totaling 206m2, was also identified in Tanganyika province in 2020.[39]


Casualties overview[40]


All known casualties (as of December 2020)

2,938 (1,128 killed; 1,794 injured; 16 unknown)

Casualties in 2020

Annual total

13 (decrease from 42 in 2019)

Survival outcome

5 killed, 8 injured

Device type causing casualties

10 ERW, 3 improvised mines

Civilian/military status

10 civilian, 3 military

Age and gender

3 adults (all men)

10 children (6 boys, 4 unknown)

Note: ERW=explosive remnants of war.

Casualties in 2020

In 2020, 13 mine/ERW casualties were recorded in the DRC. As in past years since 2010, children constituted a majority of casualties, with 10 of the casualties being minors. Ten of the incidents that resulted in casualties during 2020 involved ERW, while three occurred due to the explosion of an improvised mine.

Casualty data for the DRC significantly under-reports the true number of people killed and injured, due to the absence of a national data collection system for mine/ERW casualties and because parts of the country remain inaccessible due to lack of infrastructure and security constraints.[41] In 2021, CCLAM reported that identifying mine/ERW victims was challenging.[42] While CCLAM reported 14 mine/ERW victims in 2020, the Mine Action Working Group recorded 52 civilian mine/ERW victims in the first half of 2020 alone. This CCLAM total includes eight casualties from an incident in which a hand grenade was thrown. These casualties were not included in the Monitor total as it was not clear that it was an ERW item.[43] CCLAM reported a total of 2,936 mine/ERW casualties for all time, as of February 2021.[44]

Cluster munition remnant casualties

Unexploded cluster munition remnants have resulted in 207 casualties in the DRC, for all time.[45] The last unexploded submunition casualties in the DRC were reported in 2010.

Addressing the Impact

Mine action

Clearance operators[46]


Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC)

Congolese National Police (Police nationale congolaise, PNC)

Africa for Mine Action (Afrique pour la lutte antimines, AFRILAM)


DanChurchAid (DCA), since 2004

The Development Initiative (TDI), contracted by UNMAS


Land release overview[47]

Landmine clearance in 2020

Cleared: 0.02km²

Reduced: 0.03km²

Cancelled: 0.03km²

Landmines destroyed in 2020

19 antipersonnel mines, 4 improvised mines

Landmine clearance in 2016–2020

2016: 0.38km²

2017: 0.45km²

2018: 0.28km²

2019: 0.21km²

2020: 0.02km²


Total: 1.34km²

Other ordnance destroyed in 2020

51 cluster munition remnants, 82,558 ERW



The DRC submitted a fourth extension request in July 2021 which will be considered at the 19th Meeting of States Parties in November 2021.

Note: ERW=explosive remnants of war.

Land release


There remains a need to conduct survey to determine the total extent of contamination in the DRC, particularly in areas affected by recent conflict.[48] In November 2019, the DRC and Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) launched a reassessment of confirmed hazardous areas (CHA) and suspected hazardous areas (SHA) across 12 regions.[49]

The DRC reported that 0.02km² was cleared in 2020, while technical and non-technical survey led to the release of 0.06km².[50]

Cluster munition remnants

During clearance operations in 2020, 51 cluster munition remnants were cleared and destroyed in the DRC. The DRC reported a need to strengthen the capacities of its coordination and operational personnel regarding the clearance of cluster munition remnants.[51]

The 2013 national survey had identified two areas contaminated with cluster munition remnants, in the provinces of Ituri and Tanganyika, covering 0.02km². These areas were subsequently cleared and a total of 2,688 cluster munition remnants were cleared and destroyed.[52]

Deminer safety

In 2020, several violent incidents involving deminers were reported in the DRC, including the murder of a team leader working for The Development Initiative (TDI) in North-Kivu province.[53]

Residual contamination

A capacity-building program, which began in 2011 in coordination with UNMAS and international clearance operators, aims to strengthen the capacity of FARDC and the Congolese National Police (Police nationale congolaise, PNC) to undertake demining operations.[54]

Border cooperation

Lindu—a mined area in Kongo Central province—is located about 2km away from the border with Angola. No agreement has been signed between Angola and the DRC for clearance of the area.[55]

Risk education

Risk education operators overview[56]

Type of organization

Name of organization

Type of activity


Action for the Complete Development of Communities (Action pour le Développement Intégral par la conservation Communautaire, ADIC)

Risk education in schools, returnee communities, and host communities in South-Kivu; dissemination of flyers, booklets, and posters; radio broadcasts; establishment of community mine action committees; marking of hazardous areas

Synergy for Mine Action (Synergie pour la lutte antimines, SYLAM)

Risk education for IDPs, returnees, and host communities in North-Kivu; marking of hazardous areas; training of community volunteers

Association for the Protection of the Integral Environment (Actions de protection pour l’environnement intégral, APPEI)

Risk education in Mongala, North-Ubangi, and South-Ubangi; training of community volunteers; marking of hazardous areas

Africa for Mine Action (Afrique pour la lutte Antimines AFRILAM)

Risk education in Ituri (particularly in the Djugu territory) since June 2019 for IDPs and host communities; awareness-raising via community radio; dissemination of leaflets and brochures

Office of Development Actions and Emergencies (Bureau des actions de développement et des urgences, BADU)

Risk education in North-Kivu; establishment of community mine action committees; marking of hazardous areas

African Demining, Development and Environment Group (Groupe Africain de Déminage, Développement et Environnement, GADDE)

Risk education in Tanganyika; training of community volunteers

Movement for Integral Development (Mouvement pour le développement intégral, MDI)

Risk education in Kasaï-Central


United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)

Risk education in Ituri, South-Kivu, and Tanganyika

DanChurchAid (DCA)

Training of trainers in local communities

Note: IDP=Internally Displaced Persons.

*Other national organizations providing risk education in the DRC, not listed in the table, include: the DRC Red Cross, Development Action and Aid to the Destitute (Action de Développement intègre et d’aide aux Démunis, ADIAD), Synergy of Peasant Organizations for Integral Development (Synergie des Organisations Paysannes de Développement Intégral, SYOPADI), Concreate Action for Mine Action (Action Concrète pour la Lutte Antimines, ACOLAM), Congo Organization for Development, Education and Environmental Protection, Congo Organisation Pour le Développement, l'Education et la Protection de l'Environnemen, COODEPE), Development and Social Welfare Action (Agence de Développement Économique et Social, ADES), and the Association for the Development and Supervision of Peasants of South-Ubangi (Association pour le Développement et Encadrement des paysants du Sud-Ubangi, ADEPSU).

A network of NGOs and community volunteers ensures that risk education efforts in the DRC are sustainable, marks hazardous areas, and conveys alerts to national authorities.[57]

Beneficiary numbers

Beneficiaries of risk education in 2020[58]

Risk education operator






























Beneficiary numbers were collected according to the Standard Beneficiary Definitions.[59]


Target groups

The primary target groups for risk education in the DRC are communities in conflict areas and in regions worst affected by mines/ERW, young people, women, refugees, IDPs and returnees, staff members of international NGOs, medical personnel, and members of peacekeeping missions.[60]

In the DRC, children are particularly vulnerable to mines/ERW, due to their curiosity and lack of awareness of danger. Women are also vulnerable, as their daily activities often include traveling and searching for goods and materials needed for survival of the household. IDPs and refugees are also at risk as they are often unaware of contamination in the areas where they have taken refuge.[61]

Delivery methods

In addition to risk education sessions, risk education was provided via text messages, social media, radio, and television. It was also integrated into demining activities, and presented an opportunity to identify victims. There was no assessment of the DRC’s risk education program in 2020.[62]

Major developments in 2020

The Mine Action Working Group reported that Tanganyika province, and most of Haut-Katanga province, were not covered by risk education and non-technical survey activities.[63]

Victim assistance

Victim assistance operators overview[64]

Type of organization

Name of organization

Type of activity


National Community-Based Rehabilitation Program (Programme National de Réadaptation à Base Communautaire, PNRBC)

Coordination of community rehabilitation at the Ministry of Health; physical rehabilitation; capacity-building in communities; provision of wheelchairs


National Committee of Organizations for Persons with Disabilities and on Mine Victim Assistance (Collectif National des Organisations des Personnes Handicapées et d’Assistance aux Victimes de Mines, CNOPHAVM)


Action for the Complete Development of Communities (Action pour le Développement Intégral par la conservation Communautaire, ADIC)

Ad hoc registration of victims; referrals for rehabilitation; income-generating activities; access to education

Office of Development Actions and Emergencies (Bureau des actions de développement et des urgences, BADU)

Ad hoc registration of victims; referrals for rehabilitation

National association of Mine Survivors and Victims (Association nationale des survivants de mines et de défense des intérêts des victimes, ANASDIV)

Socio-economic inclusion; advocacy; inclusive education

Congolese Campaign to Ban Landmines (Campagne congolaise pour interdire les mines terrestres, CCBL)


Synergy for mine action (Synergie pour la lutte antimines, SYLAM)

Income-generation activities in North-Kivu

DRC Red Cross

Provision of prostheses to the Kinshasa Provincial General Referral Hospital

Shirika La Umoja Center for Persons with Physical Disabilities, Goma

Physical rehabilitation; education for victims; social inclusion; advocacy


Polus Center

Provision of prosthetics; development of a survivors’ assistance association; vocational training for conflict survivors; construction of an accessible coffee testing lab; income-generation project via the building of a boat to transport goods and services

Humanity & Inclusion (HI)

Support for physical rehabilitation services and psychosocial support in North-Kivu until February 2020; provision of assistive devices; inclusive education; capacity-building of local organizations of persons with disabilities

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Healthcare; surgery for injured people in Beni, Bukavu, and Goma; first-aid courses; physical rehabilitation at five ICRC-supported centers and support to the physical rehabilitation sector; evacuation of injured people and referral to hospitals; psychological support; support to the national Paralympic Committee


Major developments in 2020

The security situation in the DRC remained volatile and conflicts intensified in eastern provinces.[65] A surge in violence in the first half of 2020 resulted in further displacement, and left many people without access to basic services.[66]

The first reference center for physiotherapy and orthopedic services in the DRC, constructed with the support of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), was handed over to national authorities but had not yet started operating.[67]

The five ICRC-supported physical rehabilitation centers in the DRC—located in Bukavu, Goma, Kinshasa, and Uvira—suspended services in 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic.[68]

The DRC continued to report a significant decrease in funding for victim assistance in 2020, and the activities of several organizations providing victim assistance stopped. There has been little funding for victim assistance in the DRC since 2012.[69] New mine/ERW survivors, particularly in eastern areas, do not receive any assistance.[70] A rehabilitation and psychosocial support program run by Humanity & Inclusion (HI) in North-Kivu ended in February 2020 due to lack of funding.[71]

Some mine/ERW survivors in North-Kivu received support through the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (UNCERF) in 2019.[72]

Persons with disabilities continue to face obstacles in accessing basic services and information in the DRC. They suffer from stigma, discrimination, and social exclusion.[73]

Needs assessment

Identifying mine/ERW survivors in the DRC remained challenging, due to a lack of financial and logistical means to reach survivors and the unavailability of victim assistance services.[74]

Medical care and rehabilitation

Access to quality healthcare remained limited in the DRC.[75] The health system is weak, while the DRC lacks health infrastructure and basic social services.[76] The health system was further strained by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.[77] The costs of medical care and prostheses for mine survivors are covered by the state.[78]

Socio-economic and psychosocial inclusion

Providing psychological support remained a significant challenge in the DRC, as has been the case for several years. Psychological and socio-economic inclusion programs remained insufficient and were only available in North-Kivu province.[79]

The Polus Center for Social and Economic Development, together with partners and United States (US) funding, created a private-public partnership, the Lake Kivu Coffee Alliance, which provided vocational training within the coffee industry for mine/ERW survivors, physical rehabilitation, and prosthetics. The initiative also supports a local mine survivors’ association. In 2020, a coffee tasting lab and training center was under construction in partnership with the University of Buffalo.[80]

Although the Ministry of Education has increased its special education outreach efforts in recent years, fewer than 6,000 children with disabilities were reached in 2020.[81]

There is a tax exemption in the DRC for any company which employs a mine survivor.[82]


Few provisions exist to reach mine/ERW survivors living in rural and remote areas, and there was no specific assistance for child survivors.[83]

[1] An escalation of conflict between rebel group M23 and the armed forces of the DRC, with support of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO), from August to November 2013, also resulted in new contamination of large areas of land, including roads and access routes, with unexploded ordnance (UXO). See, United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), “2015 Portfolio of Mine Action Projects, Democratic Republic of the Congo,” undated.

[2] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, Congolese Mine Action Center (Centre Congolais de Lutte Antimines, CCLAM), 24 February 2021. CCLAM reported the same number of survivors as of the end of 2019, while recording additional people injured by mines/ERW in 2020.

[3] Email from Tabin Lissendja, Coordinator, Africa for Mine Action (Afrique pour la Lutte Antimines, AFRILAM), 20 July 2020; email from Valentin Tshitenge, Head of division in charge of medico-social care, National Community-Based Rehabilitation Program (Programme National de Réadaptation à Base Communautaire, PNRBC), 4 August 2020; Humanity & Inclusion (HI), ‘‘Au Nord Kivu, plus de 1,600 victimes de conflit ont bénéficié de réadaptation d'urgence’’ (“In North Kivu, over 1,600 conflict victims benefited from emergency rehabilitation”), March 2020; and response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 18 August 2020.

[4] DRC’s initial Article 5 Mine Ban Treaty clearance deadline was 1 November 2012. Its current deadline of 1 July 2022 was requested in an extension request submitted by the DRC in September 2020. See, DRC Mine Ban Treaty Third Article 5 deadline Extension Request, 24 September 2020.

[5] Email from Jean-Denis Larsen, Country Director, Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA), 5 March 2018; email from Guillaume Zerr, HI, 24 May 2018; and Statements of DRC, Mine Ban Treaty intersessional meetings, Standing Committee on Mine Action, Geneva, 21 June 2011 and 27 May 2013.

[6] Statement of DRC, Mine Ban Treaty intersessional meetings, held virtually, 2 July 2020; and DRC Mine Ban Treaty Third Article 5 deadline Extension Request, 24 September 2020.

[7] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[8] The three operators are DCA, AFRILAM, and The Development Initiative (TDI). See, Statement of DRC, Mine Ban Treaty intersessional meetings, held virtually, 2 July 2020.

[9] Statement of DRC, Mine Ban Treaty intersessional meetings, held virtually, 2 July 2020.

[11] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021; and Statement of DRC, Mine Ban Treaty Fourth Review Conference, Oslo, 27 November 2019.

[12] Responses to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 18 August 2020 and 24 February 2021.

[13] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[14] Ibid.

[15] United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), “Overview of Humanitarian Needs: Democratic Republic of the Congo,” (RD Congo: Aperçu des Besoins Humanitaires) December 2019, p. 65; and responses to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 18 August 2020 and 24 February 2021.

[16] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[17] Ibid.

[18] Ibid.

[19] Ibid.

[20] Information on victim assistance coordination obtained in response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 18 August 2020; by Marc Liandier, Head of Physical Rehabilitation Programme-DRC, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 21 June 2019; and by Christiane Matabaro, Coordinator, National Association of Mine Survivors and Victims (Association nationale des survivants de mines et de défense des intérêts des victimes, ANASDIV), 5 July 2019; DRC National Mine Action Strategic Plan 2018–2019, November 2017, pp. 18–22; ‘‘En RDC, le nouveau ministère délégué du Handicap a un budget trop faible’’ (“In DRC, the budget of the new ministry of disability is too small”), RFI, 3 December 2019; ICRC, “Annual Report 2019,” 29 June 2020, p. 153; and DRC Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2018), Form H. See, Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Database.

[21] US Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, “2020 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Democratic Republic of the Congo,” 30 March 2021.

[22] Karolina Kozik and Jean-Sébastien Sépulchre, ‘‘Un projet de loi sur les droits des personnes handicapées suscite l’espoir en RD Congo’’ (‘‘A bill on the rights of persons with disabilities raises hopes in DR Congo’’), Human Rights Watch (HRW), 11 March 2020; and DRC National Mine Action Strategic Plan 2018–2019, November 2017 p. 14.

[23] Responses to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 18 August 2020 and 24 February 2021.

[24] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Franck Mbizi Mwana Mu Mwana, Department for the Coordination of Rehabilitation Activities for Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Affairs, 24 May 2017; by Francky Miantuala, Congolese Campaign to Ban Landmines (CCBL), 31 May 2017; and by Ngubo Selemani Longange, CCLAM, 2 June 2017. See also, report of the Consultations on the Situation of Persons With Disabilities in the DRC, Kinshasa, 2–4 June 2016.

[25] DRC Mine Ban Treaty Article 5 deadline Extension Request, received 9 July 2021; and response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[26] An escalation of conflict between M23 and the armed forces of the DRC, supported by MONUSCO, between August–November 2013, resulted in new contamination of large areas of land, including roads and access routes, with UXO. See, UNMAS, “2015 Portfolio of Mine Action Projects, Democratic Republic of the Congo,” undated.

[27] UNOCHA, “Overview of Humanitarian Needs: Democratic Republic of the Congo,” December 2019, p. 64.

[28] Statement of the DRC, Mine Ban Treaty intersessional meetings, held virtually, 2 July 2020.

[30] See, ICBL-CMC, “Country Profile: DRC: Mine Action,” 29 November 2015.

[31] UNMAS, “Annual Report 2020,” 23 March 2021, p. 40.

[32] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[33] Ibid., 18 August 2020.

[34] DRC National Mine Action Strategic Plan 2018–2019, November 2017, p. 8.

[35] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 18 August 2020.

[36] UNMAS, “Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Support to UN Country Team and the Government,” updated in January 2015. Online reference no longer available.

[37] DCA, Factsheet “DR Congo,” November 2020, p. 1.

[38] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[39] DRC reported new ERW contamination of 206m². Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[40] For 2019, the Monitor found three mine/ERW casualties (all injured) in addition to the total of 2,922 casualties reported for all time by CCLAM. For 2020, the Monitor identified 13 mine/ERW casualties. Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021; and Monitor media monitoring 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020. In 2017, UNMAS reported 2,573 mine/ERW casualties and noted that the UNMAS database is only able to disaggregate data from 2014 until 2017. Prior to 2014, the data was not disaggregated and some data was lost. See, ICBL-CMC, “Monitor Country Profile: DRC: Casualties,” 16 June 2017.

[41] Ministry of Social Affairs, “Plan Stratégique National d’Assistance aux Victimes des Mines/REG et autres Personnes en Situation de Handicap: Novembre 2010–Octobre 2011” (“National Strategic Plan for Assistance for mine/ERW Victims and other Persons with Disabilities: November 2010–October 2011,” PSNAVH), 24 February 2011, p. 20; email from King Venance Ngoma Kilema, UNMAS, 22 July 2015; statement of the DRC, Mine Ban Treaty intersessional meetings, Geneva, 19 May 2016; response to Monitor questionnaire by Baudouin Asubeti Milongo, Victim Assistance Focal Point, CCLAM, 11 July 2016; and email from King Venance Ngoma Kilema, UNMAS, 2 May 2017.

[42] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[44] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[45] Monitor analysis of casualty data provided by Aurélie Fabry, UNMAS, 15 April 2014; analysis of casualty data provided by King Venance Ngoma Kilema, UNMAS, 22 July 2015 and 27 May 2016; and DRC Mine Ban Treaty Third Article 5 deadline Extension Request, 24 September 2020, p. 100.

[46] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[47] 2020 land clearance data obtained from: response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021. For 2017 land clearance data, see the DRC Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2017), form D, p. 10. These figures are different from those reported in the Monitor for 2015–2017, which are: 2015: 314,562m²; 2016: 211,293m²; and 2017: 226,025m². See also, DRC Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Report (for calendar year 2018), p. 6. A figure of 422,461m² is also given for the period from 1 January 2018 to March 2019. DRC reported that from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2020, 2.2km2 of mined areas have been cleared, which is inconsistent with what was reported for each year since 2015. DRC Mine Ban Treaty Third Article 5 deadline Extension Request, 24 September 2020, p. 47; and response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021. See, Mine Ban Treaty Article 7 Database.

[48] DRC Mine Ban Treaty Third Article 5 deadline Extension Request, 24 September 2020; and UNOCHA, “Overview of Humanitarian Needs: Democratic Republic of the Congo,” (RD Congo: Aperçu des Besoins Humanitaires) December 2019, p. 65.

[49] Statement of the DRC, Mine Ban Treaty Fourth Review Conference, Oslo, 27 November 2019.

[50] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[51] Ibid.

[52] Ibid.

[53] Responses to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 18 August 2020 and 24 February 2021.

[54] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[55] Ibid.

[56] Information on risk education operators obtained from ADIC, “Final narrative report of the mine risk education project, non-technical surveys and assistance to victims of mines, explosive remnants of war as well as people living with disabilities in the Kimbi-Lulenge health area in the Fizi territory,” 15 May 2020, p. 3; Jonathan Kombi, ‘‘RDC-Beni: Vers le déminage de la zone de santé de Kamango, près du foyer des ADF’’ (“DRC-Beni: Towards the clearance of the Kamango health area, near the ADF base”),, 8 January 2020; response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021; UNMAS, “Portfolio of mine action projects: Democratic Republic of the Congo,” undated, pp. 5 and 7–8; Protection Cluster DRC, “Djugu: analysis and advocacy note on the state of protection of civilians,” December 2019, p. 7; UN in the DRC, ‘‘Une délégation de l'Agence de coopération de la Corée visite un projet antimines’’ (“Korea Cooperation Agency delegation visits mine action project”), 9 September 2019; UNMAS, “Consolidation of peace and stability in the Democratic Republic of the Congo through the mitigation of the explosive threat and capacity building of the mine action sector,” 27 April 2020; and DCA, Factsheet, “DR Congo,” November 2020.

[57] UNOCHA, “Overview of Humanitarian Needs: Democratic Republic of the Congo,” (RD Congo: Aperçu des Besoins Humanitaires) December 2019, p. 65.

[58] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[59] Ibid.

[60] Ibid.

[61] Ibid.

[62] Ibid.

[64] Provided funding is available, other organizations are also active in the field of victim assistance in the DRC: AFRILAM, Church of Christ in Congo–Ministry of the Church for Refugees and Emergencies (Église du Christ au Congo–Ministère de l'Église des Réfugiés et des Urgences, ECC-MERU), Solidarity Women for Peace and Development (Femmes solidaires pour la paix et le développement, FSPD), and GADDE. Information on activities of victim assistance operators obtained in response to Monitor questionnaire by Christiane Matabaro, National Coordinator, ANASDIV, 5 July 2019; and by Bobya Ngongo Mbeya Williams, CCBL, 27 June 2019. See also, Jonathan Kombi, ‘‘RDC-Beni: Vers le déminage de la zone de santé de Kamango, près du foyer des ADF’’ (“DRC-Beni: Towards the clearance of the Kamango health area, near the ADF base”),, 8 January 2020; US Department of State, Department of Political-Military Affairs, Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA) “To Walk the Earth in Safety (2021),” 5 April 2021, p. 13; Polus Center, “The Democratic Republic of the Congo,” undated; Polus Center, “DRC Boat Building Project,” 2 June 2021; HI, “Fiche Pays RDC,” September 2020; HI, ‘‘Au Nord Kivu, plus de 1 600 victimes de conflit ont bénéficié de réadaptation d'urgence’’ (“In North Kivu, over 1,600 conflict victims benefited from emergency rehabilitation”), March 2020; ICRC, “Democratic Republic of the Congo: January to June 2020,” undated; ICRC, “Annual Report 2020,” June 2021, p. 161; UN in the DRC, ‘‘Assistance à plus de 80 victimes des mines et restes explosifs de guerre: UNMAS’’ (“Assistance to more than 80 victims of mines and explosive remnants of war: UNMAS”), 26 March 2019; and DCA, “DCA in Democratic Republic of Congo,” undated.

[65] UNOCHA, “Humanitarian Response Plan: Democratic Republic of the Congo,” January 2021, pp. 4 and 6.

[66] ICRC, “Annual Report 2020,” June 2021, p. 158.

[67] Ibid., pp. 158 and 161.

[68] Ibid., p. 161.

[69] Responses to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 18 August 2020 and 24 February 2021; and email from Tabin Lissendja, Coordinator, AFRILAM, 20 July 2020.

[70] Email from Tabin Lissendja, Coordinator, AFRILAM, 20 July 2020.

[71] HI, ‘‘Au Nord Kivu, plus de 1,600 victimes de conflit ont bénéficié de réadaptation d'urgence’’ (“In North Kivu, over 1,600 conflict victims benefited from emergency rehabilitation”), March 2020.

[72] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 18 August 2020.

[74] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[75] Stanis Bujakera Tshiamala, ‘‘En RDC, un système de santé à bout de souffle’’ (“In DRC, a health system running on empty”), Jeune Afrique, 5 November 2019.

[77] ICRC, “Annual Report 2020,” June 2021, p. 158.

[78] Statement of the DRC, Mine Ban Treaty Fourth Review Conference, Oslo, 28 November 2019.

[79] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.

[80] US Department of State, PM/WRA, “To Walk the Earth in Safety (2021),” 5 April 2021, p. 13; and Polus Center, “The Democratic Republic of the Congo,” undated.

[81] US Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, “2020 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Democratic Republic of the Congo,” 30 March 2021.

[82] Statement of the DRC, Mine Ban Treaty Fourth Review Conference, Oslo, 28 November 2019.

[83] Response to Monitor questionnaire by Sudi Alimasi Kimputu, National Coordinator, CCLAM, 24 February 2021.