Landmine Monitor 2001
Translations are planned for Executive Summary, Major Findings and Key Developments in the languages listed. We will add translations as they become available - use the page monitor service to be notified when this page is updated. Should you have in your possession translations not listed here please inform us at
The main document translations are listed in the table below, country report translations are listed by language at the bottom.
English Arabic French Portuguese Russian Spanish Other Major Findings (0,1 Mb)
Resultats cles
Principais descobertas
Resultados Principales
Key Developments (0,4 Mb)
Principales evolutions par regions
Principais Evoluções
Desarrollos Clave
Executive Summary
(Includes the regional overviews)(1 Mb)
Synthèse Sumário Executivo (0,7 Mb)
Resumen Vietnamese : Microsoft Word Document
: PDF/Adobe Acrobat Reader document
Some of the languages using non-latin alphabets will only be available as PDF, meaning they should display and print on any system having Acrobat Reader installed. Until they are available in HTML/web format the other languages will be listed with a link to MS Word or PDF documents.
Country Reports
Arabic | French/Français | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish/Español | Other languages
Arabic country reports
- Golan Heights (PDF file)
French country reports
Portuguese country reports
- Angola
- Brazil / Brasil
- Guinea Bissau / Guiné-Bissau
- Mozambique / Moçambique
- Portugal
- São Tomé e Príncipe
Russian country reports
- NA
- Americas Regional Report / Informe regional de las Américas
The Americas Regional Report is only available in Spanish. It contains a separate regional evaluation, related OAS and UNGA resolutions as well as all the translated country reports for the region.
Country Reports
Antigua y Barbuda - Argentina - Las Bahamas - Barbados - Belice - Bolivia - Brasil - Chile - Colombia - Costa Rica - Cuba - Dominica - República Dominicana - Ecuador - El Salvador - Estados Unidos de América - Granada - Guatemala - Guyana - Haití - Honduras - Jamaica - México - Nicaragua - Panamá - Paraguay - Perú - San Cristóbal y Nevis - Santa Lucia - Surinam - Trinidad y Tobago - Uruguay - Venezuela - San Vicente y Las Granadinas - Malvinas
Country reports in other languages
- Belgium. Handicap International Belgium has released the Belgium country report as a separate publication in three languages: English, Dutch/Nederlands and French/Français. These links open as Adobe PDF files, appr 0,3 Mb each.
- Burma (0,3 Mb) Burmese language version by Nonviolence International
- Available as PDF/Acrobat Reader file, no Burmese fonts needed to display properly! - Cambodia (0,6 Mb) Khmer language version by Cambodia Campaign to Ban Landmines
- Available as PDF/Acrobat Reader file, no Khmer fonts needed to display properly! - Czech Republic
- Greece in Greek (as PDF file)