
Mine Ban Policy

Last updated: 17 November 2022


The State of Libya has not acceded to the Mine Ban Treaty.

In 2020, Libya began to undertake the domestic procedures necessary for its accession to the treaty. A representative of Libya told States Parties in November 2020 that, “We seize this opportunity to convey to you the declaration by the Chair of the Presidential Council of the National Accord government of Libya is willing to join the Mine Ban Treaty,” and that Libya found “this treaty has extraordinary importance to Libya.”[1] He said that a working group had been formed to study and evaluate the necessary steps to complete accession.

The announcement marks a turnaround in Libya’s stance toward the Mine Ban Treaty. Previously, Libyan officials had expressed interest in the treaty, but criticized certain provisions.[2] For example, in October 2017, Libya told the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) that it accepted the humanitarian concerns raised by antipersonnel landmines and “the fact that they hinder sustainable development.” However, the official criticized the treaty’s lack of reference to “the responsibility that occupying States bear for repairing the damage they have caused and assisting the countries they have colonized.”[3]

On 28 April 2011, the National Transitional Council (NTC), then the opposition authority in Libya, issued a statement that “any future Libyan government should relinquish landmines and join the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty.”[4] It formally pledged that “no forces under the command and control of the [NTC] will use antipersonnel or anti-vehicle landmines.”

On 6 December 2021, Libya voted in favor of annual UNGA Resolution 76/26, which supports the universalization and implementation of the Mine Ban Treaty. Libya has voted in favor of the annual resolution every year since 2012.[5]

Despite not joining the Mine Ban Treaty, Libya has participated as an observer at many Meetings of States Parties, as well as at the treaty’s First Review Conference in 2004 and the Third Review Conference in 2014.[6] Libya attended the Nineteenth Meeting of States Parties, held virtually in November 2021, as an observer. Libya did not attend the intersessional meetings in Geneva in June 2022.

Libya is not party to the Convention on Cluster Munitions or the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW).

Production, transfer, and stockpiling

Libya has consistently stated that it has never produced or exported antipersonnel mines.[7]

However, antipersonnel landmines have been acquired and imported, or otherwise transferred into Libya. Under the leadership of Muammar Gaddafi, Libya accumulated a stockpile of hundreds of thousands of antipersonnel and antivehicle mines that were later abandoned in unsecure weapons storage depots during 2011.[8] It is unclear how many landmines have been removed from Libyan stocks by non-state armed groups (NSAGs), civilians, and others.

Evidence has emerged showing eight types of Russian-made antipersonnel mines, and two types of antivehicle mines, not seen before in Libya that were used in and around Tripoli in 2019–2020, indicating that the mines had recently been transferred into the country. A March 2021 report by the United Nations (UN) Security Council Panel of Experts on Libya found that private military contractors from Russia brought in the antipersonnel mines to use in their operations.[9]

Landmine types identified in Libya (2011–present)



Country of production





Used in Ajdabiya, Khusha, Misrata, and al-Qawalish in 2011 by Gaddafi government forces




Abandoned stockpiles in Ajdabiya and Tripoli




Abandoned stockpiles in Tripoli




Used in Tripoli in 2019–2020 by Russian mercenaries




Used in Tripoli in 2019–2020 by Russian mercenaries




Used in Tripoli in 2019–2020 by Russian mercenaries




Used in Tripoli in 2019–2020 by Russian mercenaries




Used in Tripoli in 2019–2020 by Russian mercenaries




Used in Tripoli in 2019–2020 by Russian mercenaries




Used in Tripoli in 2019–2020 by Russian mercenaries




Used in Tripoli in 2019–2020 by Russian mercenaries




Used in Tripoli in 2019–2020 by Russian mercenaries




Used in Tripoli in 2019–2020 by Russian mercenaries




Used in Ajdabiya and al-Qawalish in 2011 by Gaddafi government forces; abandoned stockpiles in Tripoli




Used in Misrata in 2011 by Gaddafi government forces



Former Yugoslavia

Abandoned stockpiles in Benghazi



Former Czechoslovakia

Abandoned stockpiles in Benghazi

PRB-M3 and




Used in Ajdabiya in 2011 by rebels; abandoned stockpiles in Benghazi

Several types of antivehicle mines used or found in stocks in Libya contain antihandling devices or sensitive fuzes that can cause them to explode due to the presence, proximity, or contact of a person. When victim-activated, such mines meet the definition of an antipersonnel mine under the Mine Ban Treaty.[10] The characteristics of certain antivehicle mines, including low-metal content mines, seriously complicate clearance efforts.[11]

The post-Gaddafi era government in Libya destroyed some landmine stocks in early 2012, but no information is available on the numbers or types of landmines destroyed.[12]


In May 2020, the UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) discovered significant mine contamination in areas of Tripoli vacated by opposing forces that month. The departing rebels were from a Russian government-linked military company, the Wagner Group, which was fighting on behalf of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, commander of the Tobruk-based Libyan National Army (LNA). In June 2020, Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported that “GNA-aligned forces shared photographs on Twitter on May 29 showing four types of antipersonnel landmines manufactured in the Soviet Union or Russia and claiming they were ‘laid by the Wagner mercenaries’ in the Ain Zara, Al-Khilla, Salahuddin, Sidra, and Wadi al-Rabi districts of Tripoli. Other photographs shared on social media show mines equipped with tripwires and mines used as triggers to detonate larger improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Video footage shows various explosive charges used to booby-trap homes, including antivehicle mines, paired with various types of fuzes and a mix of electronic timers, circuit boards, and modified cell phones.”[13]

In July 2020, the United States (US) Armed Forces’ Africa Command (AFRICOM) posted photos of an antipersonnel mine allegedly found in a residential area of Tripoli, that it said was brought into Libya by Russian mercenaries. AFRICOM’s Rear Admiral Heidi Berg criticized the “Wagner Group’s reckless use of landmines and booby traps” in Libya, which she said were “harming innocent civilians.”[14]

In August 2021, the BBC published a report on the contents of an electronic tablet believed to have belonged to a fighter from the Wagner Group, which included maps of mined areas in Tripoli in 2020.[15] During a March 2022 visit to Libya, HRW confirmed that all 35 locations found on the tablet were in fact mined, and that the Wagner Group was present in those areas at the time. These landmines included Soviet era MON-100 and MON-200 directional fragmentation antipersonnel mines, which had not been identified in Libya prior to the 2019–2020 conflict [16] In mid-2020, clearance teams reportedly cleared at least 400 mines and other explosive devices from more than 200 homes in Tripoli’s southern enclave of Salahideen, which they said had been laid by Russian mercenaries.[17]

The new landmine use has been condemned by various governments, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), the president of the Eighteenth Meeting of States Parties to the Mine Ban Treaty H.E. Osman Abufatima Adam Mohammed, the ICBL, and others.[18] Most recently, this mine use was condemned by the Panel of Experts on Libya in a letter addressed to the President of the Security Council in May 2022.[19] The mines, both standard and improvised, caused casualties among civilians returning to the contaminated area.

Previous use

There were sporadic reports and allegations of mine use by militias in Libya during 2011–2019.[20] The Shura Council of the Mujahideen in Darna was alleged to have laid landmines in May 2018.[21]

Pro-Gaddafi forces used at least three types of antipersonnel mines during the 2011 conflict; first in the east of the country, then in the Nafusa mountain range in the northwest, and finally around Tripoli and coastal towns in the west.

Libya also used antipersonnel mines during its 1980–1987 war with Chad. Libya is contaminated by landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) from World War II, as well as from wars with Egypt in 1977 and Chad in 1980–1987. The perimeter of some facilities in Libya contain minefields, such as an ammunition storage area outside of Ajdabiya that was partially surrounded by a minefield and marked only by a deteriorating fence.[22]

[1] Statement of Libya, Mine Ban Treaty Eighteenth Meeting of States Parties, held virtually, 19 November 2020. The statement also noted that military talks under the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) had concluded mine clearance agreements, and that success in the talks would create the conditions for joining the Mine Ban Treaty.

[2] Prior to being deposed in 2011, the government of Muammar Gaddafi showed interest in the Mine Ban Treaty but made no effort to join it and criticized certain treaty provisions. For example, in September 2010, Libya stated that “anti-personnel mines are a weapon that the vulnerable States use to defend their territories against invading forces. The powerful States do not even need to use them since they possess arsenals of advanced Weapons. In this framework, the [Mine Ban Treaty] should be amended, taking into account the interests of the small States. The legislators of this convention should have made the States concerned committed to compensate those affected by mines planted in their lands and to provide legal and political assurances for the protection of small States due to the lack of possession of neither defensive nor offensive weapons.” Statement by Musa Abdussalam Kousa, Secretary of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) General Debate, New York, 28 September 2010.

[3] Libya Explanation of Vote on Resolution L.40, 72nd Session, UNGA First Committee, New York, 31 October 2017. UNGA, Official Records, A/C.1/72/PV.26, p. 7/29.

[4] Human Rights Watch (HRW) press release, “Libya: Rebels Pledge Not to Use Landmines,” 29 April 2011.

[5] “Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction,” UNGA Resolution 76/26, 6 December 2021. Libya had previously abstained from voting on the annual resolution between 1998 and 2011. The change came after outreach by the ICBL, including HRW. See, HRW, “Letter to Ambassador Ibrahim O. Dabbashi on Landmines and Cluster Bombs,” 8 October 2014.

[6] Libya was absent from the Meetings of States Parties held in 2001, 2005–2006, and 2010–2011, and the Second Review Conference held in 2009.

[7] Interview with Col. Ali Alahrash, Ministry of Defense, in Geneva, 16 March 2004.

[8] This included the 60-bunker Hight Razma facility near Benghazi, a 35-bunker facility near Ajdabiya, and a smaller facility near Tobruk. In September 2011, HRW visited a Khamis Brigade base in the Salahadin neighborhood of Tripoli that included a farm compound holding approximately 15,000 antipersonnel mines and a nearby storage facility housing more than 100,000 antipersonnel and antivehicle mines. See, HRW, “Landmines in Libya: Technical Briefing Note,” 19 July 2011; and HRW, “Libya: Secure Unguarded Arms Depots,” 9 September 2011.

[10] For example, Chinese-made Type-84 rocket-delivered antivehicle mines are equipped with a sensitive magnetic influence fuze that can function as an anti-disturbance fuze. Variants of the PRB-M3 mine are equipped with an auxiliary fuze and an antihandling device can be fitted to the mine so that it will explode if anyone tries to move it.

[11] Gaddafi forces fired Type-84 mines made in 2009 from 122mm Grad rockets in Misrata on 5 May 2011. These mines are equipped with a sensitive magnetic-influence fuze, which also functions as an inherent anti-disturbance feature, as well as a self-destruct mechanism that can be set for a period of four hours to three days. The magnetic-influence fuze explodes the mine when it detects a change in its immediate magnetic environment, such as a vehicle passing over it or a person approaching the mine who is wearing or carrying a sufficient amount of ferrous metal, like military equipment or a camera. Additionally, given the sensitivity of the fuze, any change in orientation or movement of the mine may cause the fuze to function.

[12] HRW, “Libya: Secure Unguarded Arms Depots,” 9 September 2011. In March 2012, HRW witnessed the destruction of Type-72SP antivehicle landmines.

[14] Samy Magdy, “US Africa Command: Russian mercenaries planted land mines in Libya,” Associated Press (AP), 15 July 2020.

[15] Nader Ibrahim and Ilya Barabanov, “The lost tablet and the secret documents,” BBC News, 11 August 2021.

[17] Sudarsan Raghavan, “The Libyan war’s lethal legacy: booby-trapped teddy bears, toilets, and soda cans,” The Washington Post, 29 May 2021.

[18] UNSMIL press release, “UNSMIL condemns the use of Improvised Explosive Devices against the civilians in Ain Zara and Salahudin in Tripoli,” 25 May 2020; Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC) press release, “Convention President condemns reported use of mines; calls for an immediate cessation of their use,” 1 June 2020; ICBL, “ICBL Joins Mine Ban Partners in Condemning Reported New Mine Use in Libya,” 4 June 2020; Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor press release, “Libya: Calls for international investigation into thousands of landmines in Tarhuna,” 8 June 2020; and Ben Lowings, “Russian Landmines in Libya: Addressing the Problem,” Brussels International Center, September 2021.

[19] Letter from the Panel of Experts on Libya established pursuant to resolution 1973 (2011), addressed to the President of the Security Council, 24 May 2022.

[20] For details, see ICBL-CMC, “Country Profile: Libya: Mine Ban Policy,” updated 9 October 2018.