Cluster Munition Monitor 2020

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Press release, Major Findings, Full report, and more resources now available for Cluster Munition Monitor 2020 #CMM2020 at #CCM2RevCon

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#CMM2020 report now online. Latest findings on #clusterbombs ban policy, their impact (contamination & casualties), clearance, #EORE, #VictimAssistance + maps, charts, country profiles.

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10-yr progress in eliminating #ClusterBombs clouded by ongoing use as @ISUCCM States Parties virtually meet for #CCM2RevCon -- See #CMM2020: 

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Support for #ClusterMunition convention grows, now 110 States Parties, 144 states vote for UNGA resolution, including 29 non-signatories to the Convention on Cluster Munitions. See #CMM2020 report:

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New @MineMonitor #CMM2020 report tracks continued #ClusterMunition use and casualties in Syria, likely many unrecorded. Civilians represented 99% of all casualties in 2019. More info at: #CMM2020

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In total, #CMM2020 recorded 286 new cluster munition casualties in 2019, increase compared to 149 in 2018 but significant drop from the 971 cluster munition casualties recorded in 2016.

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In past decade, #CMM2020 identified at least 4,315 #ClusterMunition casualties in 20 countries/other areas. +80% recorded in Syria. Children represented 40% of all casualties. Read report:

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Over time, 1.5 million #ClusterMunitions and > 178 million submunitions have been destroyed by States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munition; >99% of the total declared. Remarkable success! @ISUCCM

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Since 2012, +680 #ClusterMunitions attacks recorded in #Syria-only country experiencing continuous use since. Read #CMM2020 report:

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#CMM2020 report finds *no* #clustermunition use in State Party since adoption of convention. Read report:

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26 states and other areas are contaminated by #ClusterMunitions, including 10 @ISUCCM States Parties: #Laos #Iraq #Chad #Chile #Mauritania #Afghanistan #BiH #Germany #Lebanon #Somalia Read more at:

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A total of 6 @ISUCCM States Parties completed #clustermunition #clearance since 2010. +560km2 & >450,000 remnants cleared in 2010-19 - 15% of which in 2019. Read more:

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Only 13 of convention’s 110 States Parties are retaining live #clustermunitions for training or research purposes as permitted. All from Europe with the exception of Cameroon. #CMM2020:

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100 @ISUCCM States Parties submitted their initial #Art7 #transparency reports -- circa 90% compliance rate. But 10 states still to deliver their initial report. #CapeVerde & #Comoros are a decade late! #CMM2020 #Transparency matters 

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Cover || 2019 casualties || 2010-2019 casualties || Stockpiles destroyed || Retained cluster munitions || Clearance in 2010–2019 || Transparency reporting

CMM2020 Cover290