South Sudan


Last updated: 10 October 2018



All known casualties (between 1964 and 2017)

4,977 landmine mine and unexploded remnants of war (ERW) casualties: 1,368 killed and 3,609 injured*

Casualties in 2017[1]

Annual total


Increase from
45 in 2016

Survival outcome

8 killed; 50 injured

Device type causing casualties

3 antipersonnel mine; 1 antivehicle mine; 40 ERW; 14 unknown device

Civilian status

58 civilians


Age and gender

9 adults:
3 women; 6 men

49 children:
42 boys; 7 girls


Casualties in 2017—details

The UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) reported that there is no formal data collection system in place in the Republic of South Sudan and such a system is unlikely to be developed due to the considerable humanitarian problems faced in the country. The mine/ERW casualty figures, particularly those in more recent years, are substantially unreliable and most likely significantly underestimate the problem.[2]

Since 1964, a total of 4,977landmine mine and unexploded remnants of war (ERW) casualties have been recorded: 1,368 killed and 3,609 injured were reported in South Sudan.[3]

Cluster munition casualties

At least 91 cluster munition casualties have been reported in South Sudan. No unexploded cluster submunition casualties were reported in 2017. In 2016, three unexploded cluster submunition casualties were reported by UNMAS. As of December 2016, 75 casualties caused by unexploded submunitions (23 killed and 52 injured), were reported, the majority occurring in 2009 or before.[4] A further 16 casualties that occurred during cluster munition strikes in South Sudan have been reported.[5]

[1] Unless otherwise indicated, casualty data for 2017 is based on email from Mohammed Kabir Rahimi, International Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) Officer – Juba, South Sudan, UNMAS, 23 June 2018.

[2] Emails from Tim Lardner, UNMAS South Sudan, 17 March 2017; and from Mohammad Kabir Rahimi, UNMAS, 22 June 2017.

[3] In 2018, South Sudan revised the total number of mine/ERW casualties for 2016 from 43 to 45. Emails from Mohammad Kabir Rahimi, IMSMA Officer – Juba, South Sudan, UNMAS, 22 and 23 June 2017.

[4] Email from Mohammad Kabir Rahimi, UNMAS, 22 June 2017; and see the Landmine & Cluster Munition Monitor, “Country Profile: South Sudan: Casualty and Victim Assistance,” 13 November 2015.

[5] Handicap International (HI), Circle of Impact: The Fatal Footprint of Cluster Munitions on People and Communities (Brussels: HI, May 2007), p. 56; and Titus Peachey and Virgil Wiebe, “Chapter IV: Cluster Munition Use in Sudan,” Clusters of Death (The Mennonite Central Committee: July 2000), pp. 79–85. The casualties during cluster munition strikes were reported in locations including Akak, Bahr el Ghazal, Nimule, Magwi county, and Yei county in South Sudan in the period 1995–2000.