We will add more country translations as they become available. Should you have in your possession translations not listed here please inform us at Monitor@icblcmc.org.
The main document translations are listed in the table at the bottom, country report translations are listed by language below.
PDF and Word versions of the translated Key Developments, Major Findings, and Executive Summary are available on the print page. If your computer is not able to read non-latin pages your should still be able to view the PDF documents correctly.
English | Arabic | French | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Other |
Report Cover |
(0.8 Mb) |
(0.8 Mb) |
(0.8 Mb) |
(0.8 Mb) |
(0.8 Mb) |
(0.8 Mb) |
Not available |
Major Findings |
(55 kb) |
Not available |
(35 kb)
(45 kb) |
(35 kb)
(64 kb) |
(219 kb)
(65 kb) |
(25 kb)
(48 kb) |
Turkish |
Key Developments |
(191 kb) |
Not available |
(116 kb)
(147 kb) |
(111 kb)
(170 kb) |
(0.3 Mb)
(239 kb) |
(104 kb)
(146 kb) |
Not available |
Executive Summary |
(1.1 Mb)
(1.6 Mb) |
(1.2 Mb)
(1.1 Mb) |
(0.9 Mb)
(1.3 Mb) |
(0.7 Mb)
(1.2 Mb) |
(1.6 Mb)
(1.8 Mb) |
(0.7 Mb)
(1.3 Mb) |
Not available |
: Microsoft Word Document
: PDF/Adobe Acrobat Reader document
Country Reports
Portuguese country reports
Russian country reports
- Abkhazia, Абхазия
- Armania, Армения
- Belarus, Беларусь
- Chechnya, Чечня
- Georgia, Грузия
- Kazakhstan, Казахстан
- Kyrgyzstan, Кыргызстан
- Moldova, Молдова
- Nagono-Karabakh, Нагорный Карабах
- Russian Federation, российская Федерация
- Tajikistan, Казахстан
- Turkmenistan, Туркменистан
- Ukraine, Украина
- Uzbekistan, Узбекистан
Spanish country reports
Country reports in other languages
- А8сны, Abkhaz (PDF)
- Albanija, Hrvatska - Croatian
- Azerbaijan - азербайджан
- Bosnia And Herzegovina, - Bosnian
- Cambodia - Khmer (PDF)
- Croatia, Hrvatska - Croatian
- Cyprus, Κύπρος - Greek
- Greece, Ελλαδα - Greek
- Kosovo, Hrvatska - Croatian
- Macedonia, Hrvatska - Croatian
- Nepal - Nepali (MS Word - PDF)
- Poland - Polish
- Tajikistan - Tajiki
- Turkey, Türkiye - Turkish
- Ukraine, Украина - Ukrainian (PDF)